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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. dat watercooled PC, no downclocking for me! liking this weather for next week, might go out tonight too tis a good night
  2. Progress is good, it's definitely slowed down since the nooby gains though I have a lot less fat now than I did in my initial "gym + eat anything and everything phase" probably about 4kg ligher with more muscle than before abs are starting to show depending on how my diet is but I don't really train em that much. Still go about 4 times a week just cbf updating my 'build' thread lol
  3. Probably gonna join up spartans as my genesis membership almost up and it's like half the price.. and probably a better gym anyway. only downside is its another 5 min drive Thoughts on spartans?
  4. haha i remember that, we were to busy laughing at the random ass bar movements I've enjoyed decline a fair bit but going to switch it up again back to flat I reckon that and I'm doing a lot more incline than I used to trying to grow the upper chest
  5. Too soon junior!
  6. dat import lyfe
  7. I got the 1% one.. still like 30 grams of sugar and a bit of fat but better than the rest and tasted the same. If you cant tell we got new vending machines at work and it's like Christmas. But 20 grams of protein brah!
  8. buying this big m feels like a bad choice
  9. never got into anime.. ex gf used to love the shit
  10. dam straight! https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/291365_10150980217398779_1483653352_o.jpg dat 240km/h in 4th lol that's a roller dyno too Hamish, not one of those darn happy hub dynos nah but srs
  11. I cant stand bourbon! Dont mind - Like beer though! I'd drink it weekly or even a couple of times a week if I weren't trying to eat clean I don't want dat dere beer belly.
  12. Ric time to sell? I must admit since selling mine I'm far less stressed out driving feelsgoodman.jpg I bet Alex knows dem feels too And yep Hamish you're right.. I just got back from 5 days in Bright with family / friends spent barely any cash everyone was stocked up on teh VBs and happy to throw em around - free beers ftw Anyone else getting on the big bash? (20/20) I HATE cricket but find this alright to watch, far better than the other shit.
  13. Yeah that's for sure, HUGE change after just a tune I remember the first night I took it out with dry roads after I got it tuned was a happy man. Saw some on a facebook page before, aint missing much lol
  14. haha it's not the only beer I drink, I never buy it just drink it when it's offered at family gatherings / camping / pub rounds etc. not so bad since they changed it
  15. First time I went I had a mrs there manybogan/10 asking her to show tits lol
  16. :'( I am a bit of a bogan though, drink VB and drive a V8 M8! Did I mention I've been to summernats 4 times? And yeah got the GS brah how come? had it 2 years still going strong love it.
  17. wow 110c.. thats farked the new GTX's are pretty much hard wired to note go over 85, even if you increase 'temp limit' to like 95 it will still just hit around 85 and throttle your gpu boost clock from there, unlike ATI which throttle theirs backwards
  18. 420 rad for just GPU? massive overkill there I've got a 360 rad up top which is fine for CPU and GPU
  19. You can always buy it for your GPU and use this with it: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=26117&cPath=7 GPUs actually put out a lot less heat than CPU, my CPU is about 30c hotter under load (same loop) I was tempted to use my H90 with that bracket on my card actually.
  20. 780ti temps are about half what they used to be, sit around 40c under max load in game (that's with a huge overclock boosting to about 1270mhz core!) still much more in it too. on air would be in the low 80s even at small overclocks, and throttle the GPU boost 2.0 obviously due to that - on water dat dere max boost! be warned though custom water cooling aint cheap, it is however a great little summer project to do and allows for massive overclocks and performance boosts! not to mention you can use most of the components in your next builds. Also if anyone wants me 1 month old Corsair H90 hit me up I gotta sell it
  21. yeh that 900d is just massive, chuck some real watercooling in it it's got the space! nice rig in general though, now overclock that CPU
  22. gotta love dem jap 90s vids
  23. >my face when lane splitting past highway patrol on the bike
  24. Alvin you were still using a blackberry? hated those things used to have em at work for a bit.. before we rolled out iphones And yeah I got pulled over the other night doing a hill run we (me and 2 mates) came wildly fast up on a car in the dark that said "highway patrol" lol, just checked out our bikes and said be careful and we'll wait here for a few minutes.. you guys go ahead
  25. yeah i duno how he is driving it really he's always tinkering with it i cbf with car tinkering anymore if I want to fiddle or mod things its the bike, cheaper and easier to mod not to mention if a cop gets ya barely any effort to change the exhaust back etc. been pulled over a few times on the bike no issues *touch wood*
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