Yeah good, been going 4 days a week. I wouldn't worry about diet too much while still starting out, you don't want to change too many things at once or you'll get over it and stop completely. Just keep doing the hard work at gym which is most important and eat if you don't eat you will struggle to have the energy to workout. I have 2 protein shakes a day without fail for that extra protein boost for recovery / building muscle as well. Regarding diet just eat meats, rice, veggies, the usual stuff, but as I said don't really worry too much IMO. The only thing I really cut out is the full sugar soft drinks.
Make sure you're doing good exercises too during workouts bench, squats, and deadlifts are awesome. A workout buddy is helpful for a spot to push harder on bench days too. Do this for a few months and you then get people noticing at parties and what not, all this is more motivation to keep pushing harder