birdmang this makes me want a tard' again, at this point any bike would be awesome though..|0||p_RankSort_Int32|1||p_HasPhotos_Int32|1||p_Make_String|0||p_Model_String|0||p_YearMade_Int32|1||p_PriceSort_Decimal|1||p_PhotoCount_Int32|1&__sid=139F3FE2A257&__Nne=15&__Qpb=1&seot=1&__N=1432%20604%201430%201429%201626%201428%204294967268%204294967039%2082&silo=1400
this ones cheap as chips but don't really want the same bike again, as fun as it was want a tiny bit more power / cbf doing all the mods you need to make them look good again