Lol, you know what I mean thought I'd just address it before the haters.
Basically they will poke out 25mm more than standard wheels, 'sortaflush' fitment but practical to get some big rubber inside when I want to.
either one, depends on what I can find for a decent price / low kms
dont like the gsxrs or ninjas as much, LOVE the matte black R6's with red bits though
ah fair enough, seemed too good to be true.
how much you pick one up for if you don't mind me asking? I'll be looking soon so would be nice to have a ball park figure
lol to be honest its tempting me, at that price i'd be better off than a r6
oh and I'm getting paid a months pay already (advance) hrmm tempting!
only thing is it's not regoed at all.. so add another $600
Haha exactly, not gonna BS - it is what it is. Fairly entry level but got to start somewhere! Would be good if I did find someone that was successful would mean I'd get 2k
Obviously the job isn't that bad considering the other guy has been doing it for 10 years
It's basically a desktop support role, you'd be the first line of contact to try and resolve internal employees PC issues and / or escalate to level 2 / 3. Two of the Three level 2s are on SAU - small world
Probably not your thing.. but thought id mention it! and to any other wastelanders I know a few do / study I.T
We end up talking cars a lot anyway lol