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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. So this is what you engineering students do? sausage fest lol
  2. haha what happened? how did they send you wrong size? :s
  3. Am I doing it right (I can't get banned for this right..?) NSFW http://www.freeimagehosting.net/newuploads/h2o1c.jpg
  4. forgot you got one day as well haha
  5. Ash must love me the most <3 nohomo.
  6. To contribute, maybe organise a cruise up to Winton for performance car mania? That's on this weekend.. just an idea.
  7. Strong english / 10
  8. Lol I just skipped past it.. Fair enough!
  9. http://www.ebay.com....5#ht_669wt_1238 Femnos?
  10. Just peel it all off and re-clear coat it? good tattoo
  11. only because you're a unit, they still let me in the shop with helmet on
  12. oh cheers brah, worth it dafaq is 'facebook'? 6 user(s) are reading this topic 2 members, 4 guests, 0 anonymous users UNR33L, Facebook, miran1313
  13. I've been banned twice, not quite at the 60% badass level you are *waiting for people to complain they're at work and to not post that shit even after they asked* oh wait its 5:08 so it's okay
  14. Birds sent me that 'ban pic' it's not that bad.. shall I post here?
  15. When I dunk I don't afraid of anything I'm interested but depends on my work situation, 99% in unless my new job (when I get one) doesn't let me have the Fri (and thurs?) off. Who's in the room? Also, I don't really like subaru but wowee.
  16. wheres dis porn pic
  17. LOL
  18. seems like your jimmies might be rustled?
  19. yeah definitely go see the f1 this weekend
  20. this one is by far the best though (NSFW): http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/224282_305260226238282_593082711_n.jpg
  21. loled
  22. birds wants us to start a campaign to free him
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