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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. Yeah hopefully I can increase it up a bit more soon, I'm still only a small guy but just been starting the creatine which has helped me out a fair bit I reckon Guessing Rimon does like 130 lol
  2. I do 65-70 at home okay.jpg I swear my bar is harder than a gym because its so f*kn long (my brothers mate gave us the bar, i wonder why haha) half the battle is balance ever my brother struggles with it at home a bit for some reason lol maybe I should increase that shit force dem muscles to learn. Also, leaving tomorrow for DECA at 9:30 I'm driving my car up now so if you wanna come with I can give you a lift in style brah. (this invite goes to anyone in SE) I always end up doing massive power skids down the DECA road after watching the pan hehe.
  3. too much red stuff -_-
  4. well for the money.. those others are expensive as shit the other skyline natinals are this weekend at goulburn i think?
  5. power fc still da best brah
  6. Shall see you up thar!
  7. so will i see any wastelanders at deca sat night drinking shenanigans?
  8. yeah basically replaces the stock shit looking one currently on my car, once I get that and some jap rims should be lookin' good
  9. ordering one of these rear inserts tomorrow to replace the stock cheese grater (see 2nd pic) can't stand that shit and it's annoying to clean
  10. haha nah don't want to break anything it's big and auto too so probably not the best for deca would put on a good smoke show though any intruder trophies at the show and shine martin?
  11. anyone going to deca on sat? I'm going up for some drinks / watch
  12. yeah home workouts got a fair bit of equipment here, was around 68 a few months back
  13. I found a plastic fork in my kebab once
  14. Weigh myself 75, take a shitpiss / keys wallet phone out 73.9
  15. sif 16k for an r6 also, lol @ that being harder than vic bike rules here you can ride what ever the f**k you want after 15 months.. I disagree with how easy someone can get on a 1000 yet not drive a turbo skyline you can ride a 9 or 10 second bike at 19 years old yet you cant drive a 14 second skyline until you're 22 /vicroads logic
  16. should get a motorbike over there i'll prolly go to show and shine need a set of rims before then tho!
  17. for you rap fans, this guys from Melbourne and not bad for a local http://alldaytunes.bandcamp.com/
  18. Really? usually bigpond is good just try rebooting your router / modem and if that doesn't fix it leave it completely unplugged for 10 minutes sometimes the coax cable can get a "static" build up also check activity lights to make sure it's not your computer or network cable f**king up, could be working and you not knowing. /wasteland tech support
  19. Been taking like 1 per day.. only because I hadn't been working out for a week due to some stitches in my chest from a small op I should try and get onto it twice a day if I can withstand the smell / chunkies I'm doing 2 scoops not 3 so guessing around 4-5grams of creatine with the mass gainer then taking pure creatine around twice a day (5 grams again) I should be doing it 3 times a day though considering it's my "loading phase" Currently around 75KGs getting there slowly, I was under 70 when I started
  20. Birds get on some creatine, shit works gooood
  21. same, I would of probably owned one by now if the motors were more reliable http://www.ebay.com....#ht_1218wt_1163 if only the fronts were more aggressive woweee http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/19-Work-Meister-S1R-Rims-wheels-JDM-Pirelli-Achilles-Tyres-/320974007125?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4abb8aab55#ht_542wt_1397
  22. I f*kn love pasta ballin' song, 2:28 like a baws: come at me new bike
  23. very nice rx7
  24. Saw Dezz in his EA down at heathcote:
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