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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. I reckon in a few years when they go down to like 70k would be a good buy.. provided gearboxes don't have major problems lol
  2. 35 GTRs 100k now lol
  3. lotus interior would make for a crappy daily
  4. exige pretty cheap these days not a bad power to weight on them, is there any usable storage or meh?
  5. Rays are good and all, but duno why people buy a flush set of $4000 rims for a $8000 car.. meh GTR sizes cost an arm and a leg
  6. 650 and just get a tune or something to derestrict it.. cops / insurance wont know
  7. All this bike talk, just buy one already
  8. F1 rooftop party on Sunday.. should be baws a client of ours. Reckon I'll be able to see much? : http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=572+St+Kilda+Road&hl=en&ll=-37.848239,144.976605&spn=0.007116,0.012746&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=63.886376,104.414062&t=h&hnear=572+St+Kilda+Rd,+Melbourne+Victoria+3004&z=17
  9. lol sif alex
  10. I get pretty tired after a hour, never really been on long trips with the bike that being said I'm sure you could do a decent trip with a few small breaks
  11. Its just as easy as the Ls
  12. Yeah, thats his car - its a varex because it use to have loud as fark twins
  13. als car needs e85 my bros on e85 now smells nice, does it make rear bar less black? looks like it
  14. lol, does that stuff work well?
  15. is gay
  16. depends on the bike grant
  17. Would be good if the power FC was like the cappa flash tuners that way you can store a 98, e85, valet tune and not actually get pulled up on it by the cops because it still only flashes the factory ECU so you don't actually need anything plugged it inb4 fords are gay, bikelineaustralia etc.
  18. scgoing on, long time no post
  19. that show is awesome
  20. Someone should make one
  21. Engrish fail ^
  22. I want a SAU vic dvd.. how to do i win?
  23. Still, sif go buy a performance car and end up with a wagon -_- (ie R8)
  24. ssr professors are win
  25. Eh Pat always gonna lose out of cars though
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