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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. TL;DR Fibre optic is win? Everyone knew that
  2. This man speaks the truth, its all about latency
  3. was waiting for that
  4. No free sex when you want kinda sucks, means you have to work for it
  5. TPG is ok until you need help or something screws up speaking of which my neighbors keep getting me to fix there net, i should make a job out of this shit.
  6. give them a call to double check, ive heard of people doing that with success
  7. As title says was just wondering if there was any dyno days coming up? summers almost over and yet to see a dyno day!
  8. Bigpond prices have gone down, I got 200GB plan (probably only use 100 a month) 30mbps connection with awesome latency ftw, you pay less if you have like a home phone and stuff as well I think its something like 80 bucks I just download shows rather then get foxtel or any pay tv They have 25 - 50 - 100 - 200 plans though, and as for reliability bigpond will trump all, anyone that says otherwise is fail
  9. My druids got 359 ilvl now That is across both Moonkin / Feral though I'm horde Thaurissian
  10. Not these days, and basically why would neighbors get adsl if they can get cable? All the neighbors that I know have cable atm and I don't seem jibbed with speeds at all - in fact I see speeds of around 35mbps often (30mbps plan) and yeh, I'd still like to see fiber but seriously doubt its happening anytime soon here, well it may in the direct city but for a country our size? lol good luck with that.
  11. Mines pod-less as well I hate pods anyways On the subject of 'pods' think I should put stock air box back on? Some people say yes some say no.. unsure as to what gives more power. (I have apexi ones on atm)
  12. 18x10 +15 here: No issues apart from full lock sometimes on uneven roads
  13. Cheers mate
  14. Just do the basics exhaust, intake, boost just make sure you get a quiet exhaust.
  15. 22.5, if my memory serves me correctly (just came with a cat-back system and rims). I don't mind talking about what I paid - sure I could of gotten one of the cheaper ones but I wanted this one and that was that, its a 98 as well which I'm happy about last year they were made only real issue is there was a small crack on the front lip but dads pretty handy with fixing plastic and shit around the house so fixed it awesome for me back to its normal strength.
  16. Gave mine a wash / touch up today -Leigh
  17. Washed car and touched up stone chips and re did clear coat on front lip Took a few pics as well: inb4 "MOAR LOW"
  18. Buy mine Nah not ready to get rid of it just yet still having my fun
  19. Lol sorry about that Mohsen, I had like under 1/4 tank left (wasn't full) and needed to be back in my area, got my mate to try and wave people past but yeh cos I was at the front I knew someone would follow Billy - Love your wheels and nuts oh and fitment, what can I say couldn't even get my finger under. Alex - Car is looking mean those pipes top it off, get some matching rims though bro! and yeh 1 inch should be sweet I recon. Mohsen - don't buy a older car will just be more trouble then its worth IMO, if you really do want to keep your 32 that much, save a bit buy a stock R31 or something and keep the 32 for DECA / track etc and put some nice track mods on it, then drive it when you get off Ps or when your bored some nights Oh any anyone got pics of the 34 GTR? didn't really get a good look but when it drove past those rims were sex what were they? was moving a little fast (TE37 special edition?)
  20. any pics / vids? i saw someone take a video gogo edit
  21. Alex's pipes ftw
  22. Wont be going as low as that pic maybe a inch lower then what I'm currently sitting at - because yeh its meant to be driven hard
  23. Need this low on mine pretty sure a series 3 lip will be touching the floor though. How easy is it to lower car? I've never done it because it originally got setup by a suspension place. Cant be too hard?
  24. Cruise today was awesome - weather was a bit funny toward king lake but overall great turnout lets see pics / the video I saw someone take!
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