Yeh aight, meet up at Wantirna primary? just on mountain hwy where the car parks are opposite the fish and chip shop at like 8:45?
I'll stay there till like 8:50 if your not there, just incase you dont read this - Also might try and wake Bob up tomorrow
I might rock up at pre meet and chill for a bit, iuno see what i feel like at the time getting wasted or cruising
That sounds like a good idea! although sitting in the back of a skyline wasted through twistys might be weird
auto plus most people had turbos back then on Ps, and a 93, I bought a 93 4 door auto for 8k when i first got Ps, f**ked it up and got a 2 door coupe manual for extra 3k but was 95 and much nicer accessories
I use to have a NA 33 taxi, wasn't bad bit of a pain finding stuff for side and rear anyway (front is same)but with a good kit / low like Hamish posted.. so sexy.
Go for it
Thats the guy that did Ash's chaser? Do you know the shop name?
And yeh the excuse is err.. twin tip will look more stock and want to get rid of the gay cannon. Then more low