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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. Fair enough, I don't have any but the Mrs does. I've got no idea about what they're doing but moving forward to next step can only mean good things I guess? Big bosses buying more, getting their kid to buy more is a good sign too
  2. Leroy get some more TLX mate I hear a phase two is about to start on major project
  3. Found facebook groups the best way to sell 2nd hand car stuff.. sold all my old FG aftermarket parts easily and for good $
  4. At first we were just happy to find a place that let us in with the dog, didn't know the toilets wouldn't work, NBN would be constantly pushed back (it did say late 2017 at first) etc. Anyway it'll be behind us soon, I guess its another one of those 'dont judge a book by it's cover' things, it appeared to look good & brand new on the surface but in reality had shitty problems everywhere. Looking forward to getting my 6 WEEK bond back.
  5. Yeah in many ways the older houses are built way better, and typically have coax internet. On another note, get on the facebook shares fellas, check out how many of the top used / downloaded apps are and who owns them
  6. Townhouse we live in they tried to sell a year ago exactly for 900k ish after buying for 720k in 2014, yet it only finished build in 2017. No bids at auction a year ago, 2nd listed 6 months ago private sale, no offers, 3rd time again now listed at 780k still no interest 4 weeks into the campaign, we're sick of them trying to sell it so getting the hell outta there. It's a shitty design and more or less 'unfinished', some windows missing curtains, toilets don't work properly (we're down to one now), no out door cover or front door cover even though they built some weird wooden frame, back yard is just dirt, toilet windows have what appears to be baking paper taped on it instead of proper frosted glass, barely any water pressure on some taps, 'study nook' has no power or data, ADSL2 at 2mbps only internet, we ended up resorting to 200GB 4G plan (NBN updates all the time & now pushed to June 2020).. the list goes on. Really makes you realize what you want in a house when it's time to build / buy yourself. You can guess the builder and owner country..
  7. sold the trailer because space! not the bike
  8. I remember doing IT at The Body Shop, errrbody having babies or getting married / divorced, the amount of annoying name changes I had to do on their user accounts! Good place to work though & good benefits (nohomo)RIP to the I.T department though when they outsourced. Got to check out those new Suzuki Jimny's at work, awesome little mini 4wd thing, beast.
  9. yeh but that's like $300 / hour when you take into account the 9am-3pm days with 10 weeks holiday <insert trollface.jpg>
  10. Mine did science degree too, must of been the thing to do in ~2010. She's working in the industry but more or less just doing management / operations admin, not exactly related to the neuroscience major. All her other younger siblings have gone down dat dere teacher path, get dat dere baller wage $$ 50k wage would mean she doesn't need to pay it back yet though?
  11. I'm telling the Mrs selling the dirt bike and trailer covered it ? Not doing cashies, just don't have hex debt or a car loan! Similar situation with mine, she earns decent coin but just struggles to save (as above)
  12. The goss is moving back home (Wantirna) with the Mrs because they're selling the rental we're living in (not sold yet, but we're sick of their shit, 3rd time they've tried to sell it now) the idea is to save a nice sized deposit and within 12 months get a place for ourselves. We'll have decent amount of space at the parents and they go away a lot anyway since they're retired. Most stuff will be in storage until then, sold the race bike and trailer because of storage & lots of supermoto tracks closed down. Really just Broadford left to ride, meh. Looking at getting a road bike again. Our Vermont rental matches your criteria, think they're after ~800k approx 3 bedroom townhouse with double garage. Will be available from April ?
  13. You sold your place?
  14. I'll need a private security guard for my new rims. Jokes, they're not bronze TE37s on Bayside Blue 34r ?
  15. Just sell it, no point throwing away rego money / insurance if youre not using it. You've got another cool car anyway. 1.26 for bp98 today fuark. Mirin.
  16. hows the hangover? started a new job at car dealership last Monday, as usual doing the rounds and getting introduced to staff, then I got introduced to Mark with the gold / bronze r33 on here, small world! Inb4 "IT jobs are revolving doors"
  17. You rather that than a r33 GTST?
  18. One thing I like about spectating the drifting is all the RB / 1Js with external gate, nice sounds. Too bad we'd be shot if we did it on the street
  19. True, my cars "Build" usually consist of intake,exhaust,tune,rims,coilovers job done. Too poor (sensible?) for anything else. You should put a big APR wang on the Gloria, f**k the haters.
  20. Mrs won't let me mod her Focus ST
  21. The one thing i miss about living in clayton south, the prinny sounds
  22. Whens the f6 getting 1000hp Simon? Nah but hows the F6 going? Miss the Falcon sometimes, effortless cruising to work.
  23. When's the next SAU VIC track day / motorsport event happening? not much going on in the events area?
  24. Ford XR5 and cruise control kit https://www.4x4andcamping.com.au/products/autostrada-cruise-control-kit-ford-focus-with-xr5-aug-2011-e-cruise-fo03s?variant=22989735683&amp;utm_campaign=gs-2018-10-30&amp;utm_source=google&amp;utm_medium=smart_campaign&amp;gclid=Cj0KCQiA2o_fBRC8ARIsAIOyQ-mW0-TZ_g0f2y851f7a-P-LhmDErpHbVmqCCZLmdFGvxJzJuGTpnK4aAq7YEALw_wcB
  25. Ford XR5, cant go wrong they're mad. Can sound like a mini v10 too.
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