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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. but .. but.. they're so cool. wouldn't mind throwing a ford xr6t engine in something too for fun, would only do if dad went halfies doe, dont have teh cash he restored a valiant charger but sold it a few years ago, was mint
  2. yeah i washed it the other week on a hot day.. ended up just as dirty when i began almost lol dried up water dots everywhere, when it's clean looks goooooood though been toying with the idea of selling one of my bikes, and convincing dad to go halfies build an old rotor, big block or similar with me.. wonder if he'd go for it. (torana, cortina, old mazda, datto 260 etc) club reg it
  3. Good movie. I need to polish / wax mine but it's so big it'd take me 2 days Also will be dirty in 2 days, because black.
  4. Family dog we've had since I was in grade 6 isn't doing so well dem feelz
  5. *insert pale ale no ones ever heard of here*
  6. LOL gold!
  7. got that dude on facebook and latest status is 'gonna be on tv again'
  8. Love that word
  9. Yeah I usually end up moving jobs if there's a lack of promotion / pay increases.. looks like I'll probably be moving up already at this new mob and only been here 6 months I find having a boss that actually likes you helps a lot..
  10. Never been on a jetski, sure it'd be fun but I'd never use it.. barely use my motorbikes and they go on the ROAD! On another note, what's the normal rise when getting promoted? keeping in mind it's still similar area of work etc.
  11. Sounds like a plan, once I have 20k extra to redraw I'll buy a jetski!
  12. Apparently I can't offset my home loan in cos I've got 3 years fixed? (well can but gotta pay like $1500 to change loan type) But I can put upto 10k a year ontop of what I'm already paying for those 3 years.. so should i just sink everything into it that I can and withdraw if I need it down the track? I'm in 2 minds about the whole pay home loan off quick or have a life / travel, do shit, buy shit instead or maybe I just need to find a good balance.
  13. People are selling the GTFs for 120k lol (and actually selling em)
  14. yeah i'm pretty sure everyone just had a notepad full of different keys to use my first steam account got vac banned lol was fine when it was $20 a Half life 1 key no way i'd cheat these days my steam profile probably has like $500-1000 of games on it.. nothing compared to some people I know.
  15. those pre-steam hacking feels of CS days when there was no VAC
  16. 3d pipes ftw
  17. Learning binary and networking concepts would be cool.. ipv4, ipv6 and subnetting - given that a lot of it is maths or uses maths too
  18. I'm guessing basic HTML? not sure why kids need to learn that..
  19. Just took a pic of a stagea towing 2, count it 2! jetskis #newleveltradey
  20. Simon I'll buy your evo
  21. 30k? they barely get 20k these days get an 09 FG turbo for that easy v8s make good daily, dat lowdown
  22. Buy xr6t instead simon they go for f**k all these days make near on 250rwkw stock and run 12s lel, if you are going VE SS make it SSV my mates got one in white - pretty nice.
  23. how much has been spent on your car now?
  24. Haha i remember seeing that, imagine if it was a girl in a bikini and some bloke doing the weather.. would get shot.
  25. It's a pretty intense ride, Tower of terror is mad too Back at work yesterday, both of our senior techs resigned :\ hopefully I can get something out of this
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