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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. better than 3-4 years to earn $0 I suppose (cos art, science etc.) apparently you can put in preference of school areas when you apply and its all metro/regional if they participate in it
  2. Big difference if you're getting paid and not paying uni! But yeah basically a fast tracked career change
  3. Dunno, apparently it's any high schools with poor results to help try and boost them up.. so could be anywhere but I doubt they'd offer you a high school in woop woop there was no mention of that in the presentation thing she attended at melb uni apparently they do some training at Deakin once a week or something though.
  4. http://www.teachforaustralia.org/ Well it's not really throwing away 3 years of your life, those 3 years basically qualified you to go into a school and teach (same as a actual teaching degree I guess?) / do this and get paid basically graduate teacher wages or paraprofessional what ever they call it.. after 2 years they'll probably onboard you and put you up to what ever teachers get paid - 60k? no idea, probably depends what you're teaching I guess
  5. That's the thing, this program is funded by department of education - basically yeah onboard any degrees (science, art students etc but NO teaching degrees) then after 2 years they get a masters of teaching (high school) So yeah, no prerequisite degree to teach apart from what ever other degree you completed. Edit: few months ago no, she didn't want to be a science teacher but now apparently she does lol She always wanted to go into research, but yeah guess that's pretty hard to get into.
  6. Leesh heard of teach for australia program? Mrs is finishing off her science degree and applying for it, apparently they onboard heaps of people with different degrees and pay them as graduate teachers for 2 years (they get a masters of teaching afterward) then can choose whether to continue teaching or what evs, go into their industry etc. Was a bit strange as she told me she doesn't want to teach when talking about career paths 3 months ago.. nek minit wants to teach now
  7. 2:04pm: it was at this moment, leigh realized he had f**ked up
  8. meh, write some scripts to destroy their system and leave lol THEN when they have no where to turn contract work for them at $300 an hour
  9. eating left over chicken pasta from thursday for lunch today, living life dangerously
  10. Yeah Birds I reckon just find a job elsewhere if de-motivated, easier said than done I know but possible and will solve your problem. Looking back at it I hate that I stayed so long at the other joint when I was unhappy, it basically took my boss telling me to my face (essentially) that I'm staying where I am.
  11. Did this before, basically got told if someone higher up left and I wanted to go in their role he wouldn't put me in it anyway (after almost 3 years service). Bang, that was the answer I needed within a month got another role and handed in my notice.
  12. Ah yeah, the one I left was a MSP don't worry too much about chargeable hours as long as you make them money they don't care from my experience (probably charging clients at like $200 a hour for your work) I went to another MSP (started last week) seems like they have more structure and reasonable workload. I think they're looking for another guy soon.. so i'll keep you posted. Edit: Was also bought on as a lvl 2/3 tech at my last role but realistically was lvl 1-3 doing all, what ever flew in you delt with basically, you'll definitely learn a lot at a MSP
  13. What sort of role you interview for Simon? I left my last role after 4 months, was no structure with the work we got and severely understaffed got a better offer closer to home - no brainer.
  14. Leeroy you race last night? I'm bit over iracing might try get into project cars
  15. Yeah I already told her that Could not deal with Vegan
  16. I'll need to teach her how to cook meat (vegetarian)
  17. yeah going through this a bit atm with her, she has a cat though and i don't want a cat.. pisses on cloths on the floor, fur everywhere, kitty litter, rip up curtains / couches, walks where you eat etc haha that's it.. i'll deff be covering my ass - i'm sure now she wouldnt do anything like that if we broke up. But fast forward 5 years dangling 250k in front of her eyes it may change..
  18. sure am! it's good though love the independence
  19. suppose my place cost less than most couples bigger houses etc
  20. last gas bill was 280 for 2 months.. meh normal i guess im with energy aus added up all my 'cant live without' expenses and it totalled to almost 44k farken.. or 3.6k a month (including fuel/groceries/bills/mortgage/rates/regos) not much room for random impulse buys anymore #houselyf last week after just paying motorbike rego + insurance thought i'd be sweet.. nek minit $1400 rates fml
  21. Don't login to the wasteland for one day and miss all the action! lel f**kn this ^ hate the house sold sticker pics too.. slightly less hate the ones that actually SHOW the house and not just a big stupid sign
  22. if i recall correctly, no because it was old works enterprise key and enterprise editions cant upgrade but worth checking out when you get home
  23. nah it's more like windows 7 than 8 IMO, enterprise editions can't upgrade either - you can download the upgrade from Microsoft website if you don't have the notification, that's what I did. #microsoftrep
  24. not sure, I'm assuming you'll either need to install 8.1 with the key you have first and go through it all again if it still works or call them and tell them you changed hardware
  25. after you upgrade from 8.1 it 'converts' your 8.1 key to a 10 key and activates to your device, so if you want a 'clean' install you can just burn the ISO to DVD or USB and boot off it as you normally would, then skip the part where it asks for your license key, once you get into windows it'll already be activated as it's the same computer so yeah its basically 2 stage process, upgrade > then fresh install
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