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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. She used to cook dinner for me as 'payment' but that stopped a while ago
  2. True that, I'll be speaking to him tonight bout it anyway if she isn't there for once rofl
  3. Yeah I think limiting is the best way to do it that way it's fair on both parties.
  4. Would hardly piss her off, I know shes on good coin why not pay at least SOMETHING to contribute where you are living.. (roommates gf i mean, not mine)? If it pisses her off then don't come back here
  5. The issue is I'm not paying any rent because it's my place, makes it a little more confusing, obviously I'm not charging my GF anything (she still stays sometimes) but charging my mate 175 a week / half bills, when essentially that 175 is giving them both a place to live/cook/shower/her toothbrush in the cup etc.. i feel like i'm getting ripped hard. My mrs even tries to shower at home because she feels bad, I should just ask for 200 or something.
  6. I'm getting a normal deal I would say (for1), did my research before agreeing on a rent price Yeah I'm thinking might need to implement a rule, cos mine comes over a little bit too but not as often (even though it's my joint) fair is fair, I'll just talk to him and say look shes living here 70% + of the time may as well make it official and start contributing or just live with her instead It kind of turns into a mad house, it's a 2 bedroom unit often with 4 kents running around, straight to bootin everyone out and living lonesome
  7. f*kn copped a $300 speeding fine again (96 in 80) dandenong bypass shouldn't be 80 anyway.. 3 lanes + 2 shoulders and barriers.. it's basically a freeway! Last 7 years none nek minit 2 in 2 months Also how does one go about asking roommates mrs for rent / contributiion / upping his considering she stays 5/7 nights a week..? I feel like I'm getting shafted hard atm, closer to her work I guess why wouldn't you live somewhere rent free..
  8. Yeah I'd prefer PI should be mad, only thing at the back of my mind would be don't bin my bike
  9. hahaha thats pretty good. Dezz those ride days only run during the weekdays at PI? also what speed group did you start off in? slow slow-medium medium-fast fast?
  10. Martin have you done any of the cisco certs? doing some study atm for ccna, seems much more difficult than back in the day at tafe dat IPV6 coming in, extended ACLs etc
  11. yeah for me i've gotta walk like 25 mins, +25 min on train..(each way) i wouldn't usually care but it's f*kn cold in winter lol on the plus side i'm walking about 4km a day which is nice
  12. Yeh young girl from Sydney today.. would call /10 Nah but srs role similar and closer to home.. might follow up. #alreadysickofpublictransport #dontknowhowhamishdoesit
  13. dem linkedin poachers lol anyone else on linkedin and fairly often getting adds from recruiters to discuss 'new opportunities'? seems like it's just increasing over the last couple of years no need for seek anymore
  14. who cares if it's better than what he's currently paying currently still be saving dat cash
  15. SAU VIC wasteland, more like SAU VIC ballerland amirite 5 figures need not apply
  16. 10k in 30 years be chump change hell 10k is chump change for dezz in 2015
  17. Sometimes I get those $9 village movie club tickets and thankfully the mrs is a student (inb4 pedo) so its not always bad.. but last time was expensive night out when you add in dinner as well #mortgagetightass. Moral of the story, drag her along to more car event days instead as she seems to enjoy it. Also Simon only 1 medium popcorn? dafaq?
  18. not $8 driving from Clayton
  19. Went to vicdrift on Sunday at calder, not a bad day for $20 entry. Entertainment value beats the shit out of spending like 40 bucks at the movies + some popcorn for 2 hours.
  20. about time they made a new underground game.. lets hope it aint shit probably be similar to forza horizon2 which is mad
  21. Add additional turbo engine for rwd = 4wd = profit
  22. in 6th at 6000rpm I could do 392km/h apparently going off the gearbox / diff ratios (according to ford forum) wonder what it'd actually go to with the resistance - anyone wanna find out for me on Achilles?
  23. 33GTRs much better buy, unless ofcourse you buy one with a broken engine
  24. true dat
  25. Workplace romances are funny when people try to keep it on the downlow, yet in reality no one really gives a shit about what they're doing in their free time anyway
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