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Everything posted by GTS4WD

  1. Cara.. Please PLEASE **PLEASE** dont get one of those wankey missile switches with the red flappy thing! and you should of mounted the NOS under the front passengers seat!..
  2. CARA! YOU SAID YOU WONT BE STINGY ON THE PICS! Hows she go? I dont think so.. The pistons cause vacume and hence suction at different times.. the valves will be open to allow the piston to create suction and taking in the bulk of the NOS. Because not all 6 cyl's are creating suction at the same time ther isnt much "comptetiton" from others. Residue may be left near cylinders 3 and 4. But they wont be getting significantly more NOS than the others.. Not sure if this makes sence.. cos I have a feeling it dosnt..
  3. Award winning car you got cara!.. Will you be comming to Syd for any shows?..
  4. Well said mate! .. Im trying to push this onto the forced induction section of the forums too.. For a P plater you hadve a fair few good NA options: NA S13/180 R31/VL 86 MX5 (1.8L) KE70 'rolla 3L NA Supra (older model MA70 (??)) (heavy and ugly but good tunability options) All good cars with excelent tunability options.. And all go arse out..
  5. dont know about 4 studs.. But GTR's are a cheap light and wider alturnative.. Plus the offset make the car sexyier!
  6. Quite jelous!.. Its an awesome car!..
  7. Is it possible to have siphalis of the eyes? Cos thats the only thing I see.. Thats the biggest hunk of shit i have ever seen!.. Looks like it was disigned by some terd smuggling Californian Hair dresser!
  8. I take it on intector per intake pipe? Sounds good Cara!.. Be sure to keep us up to date with pics and figures..
  9. Sounds like you got everything pretty well sorted.. Are you sure you wont be needing a fuel pump? When I did an engine swap with an RB25DET into an R32 with an RB20DET fuel pump, the car wasnt makeing any more power after 4K And thats with a 220 RWKW engine So Im asuming that an NA pump will have the same if not less L/min capacity than a 2L turbo. And cos the engines will have similar power outputs, from my experince.. the fuel pump will have to be swapped.. Where will the NOS be injected into the ingine? Mani? Intake? Direct?
  10. I've got a bad.. X-Force..
  11. Where down the track did we loose sight that modding is a personal prefrence more so than ragging on other peoples rides.. Arogance is something that I see too much of in the scene and is just as sad to see as baby rabbits dieing..
  12. Theres a GTS R33 for wreaking ATM on the for sale section.. I remeber seeing it a little while ago
  13. Looking forward to this cara!.. Its gonna be cool! I see you went down the PFC way.. Well its a good choice now you spilled the beans on the NOS too.. Just make sure your passenger footwell dosnt blow out during your first drag reace..
  14. Heard about dropping 4g63's in excels?.. This possible? Had a pub talk with some bloke.. said it costed him 4K all up.. possible?
  15. x2.. You need all the power you can get with an NA.. and the VVL really gives it a bit more..
  16. Got any more pics?. I like the photo with the car in your avatar.. care to share it with us?
  17. Dont monster tacho it.. Its a + wanker factor of 5092834098 SQILLION! If there isnt much of a difference between the two clusters.. just get the NA one..
  18. Smaller brakes = less weight Less weight = Smaller brakes.. thats my theory.. I was lucky enough to already have 5 stud and turbo brakes cos it was a Rb20DET GTS4.. then again.. I did give up a turbo for an NA.. *^$%#@ govenrmnet! You clearly havent done track work.. or twistie work..
  19. Bah!.. Who needs brakes!?!.. Just change down a gear.. I dont beleive in brakes..
  20. Is it just me?.. Or does the US form of modding seem really wanky? Theres something really ugly about it.. The Trust 350 is.. YUMMY!
  21. THEIR SO FREAKING SEXY!! They just look SOOOO good!.. It makes you wonder.. "why wasnt there a ute version released from Nissan!?!" Take the rediculous wong off and you have something that 50 SQUILLION times better than any Holden or Ford ute ever released! .. it just looks right..
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