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Everything posted by GTS4WD

  1. I dont see why it wouldnt.. I tend to think of these things logically.. why would Nissan make two diff clusters?.. Cos then they would need all new new machinery etc. etc. etc. its just not feasable.. Everything is mechanical.. When i took my cluster out.. I didnt see anything that would change from an NA to a turbo.. My 32 came trubo.. not has a 33 NA.. cluster works fine.. so, logically, it would work vice versa.. Whats in the space of the boost guage?.. Is it like the 32's where theres a new circular guage that reads the boost?..
  2. You will gain a larger overall peak power (in the very high RPM).. but loose responce and torque throughout all other RPM ranges.. Have a look at the Dyno Graphs thread that cara has put up..
  3. Whats the go with the blue boxes under scotty and Eug's avatar.. I want a box..
  4. Wow dude!.. mmm... staggy 34... Really looking forward to this!.. Please keep us updated!.. Any idea on the end cost of the build?
  5. Rooted rings.. oil ending up the the cylinder.. then buring.. Comp test will show that its loosing pressure.. AND in which cylinder.. so you know which rings are screwed..
  6. Get ur panties out of a twist mate..
  7. Whats the sound from? Do we have a part? Is it from head or block?
  8. awww.. anna.. I dont knwo you.. but I knwo how hard it is to have an engine that just wont work as it should!!!! Its so dis-heartening.. Know that by the end of it its all gonna be worth it.. Its worse if you do all the work yourself.. you cringe at the end effort that must go in.. the hours spent.. and the late nights wasted.. but when its back.. and everything is ok.. it makes you smile to the worlds end.. Chin up.. It will get there.. promis end drunken rant..
  9. I remeber reading in the workshop manual tht the difference between the GTS4 and GTR gearing is that the GTS4 has slighlty shorter gearing (by only 2-8 -or just higher.. teeth) between gears 1 to 4.. To give a straight answere.. I dont know about push/pull.. Id sad the bell housings would be the same too.. Why would nissan build different bellhousings for the same gearbox.. Their the same box with a transfer case.. where would the difference be? The gears are diff due to the RB20 having less power.. hence the shorter gearing will give it better acceleration as opposed to the GTR. I dont see where the difference would be in the bellhousing.. All the bolt holes are the same..The fins of the housing?.. Why?.. Thats silly.. The bearings are the same.. meh.. Thats my drunken 2 cents..
  10. BO! (as above) Save the money Cara.. The extra money.. which is ALOT of money.. is by FAR better spend on cams/port/poslish/CR/Fuel pump/injectors.. Thats where real power is made by NA's.. Focus on the flow and volume of air entering/exiting the engine.. ECU tunes only enhance and extract the all the power that can be unlocked by your modifications.. If you have alot of mods.. the potential that can be unlocked can be quite large.. Spend the money on a piggy back.. and the difference spend on mods.. That way when you do get a complete stand alone ECU system there is a large potential of power that can be unlocked.. I hope this post dosnt come off mean or beligerent.. its been a few drinks now.. I just want to help Its my half drunken 2 cents..
  11. Try OTOMOTO He is a top bloke and they do half cuts too.. They also do unique front cuts and less popular ones.. Have a go.. tis worth a try.. their in syd too
  12. I beleive a Power FC is an option if you NEED a stand alone ECU. Where you dont have an AFM, need continuous tuning, changing A/F ratios, spark, etc. etc. I think for $1500 your better off getting a set of cams + tune on your current piggy back.. It will yeild far more power than what you will be able to extract from a PFC Or I dunno.. how many more mods will you be doing? Cams? Valves? Port? Polish? C/R? If so.. instead of getting a re-tune after every mod.. or taking the car off the rd for 3 weeks.. then you may want to buy a PFC now. Save you money in the long run..
  13. LOL!.. Your avatar is just too funny!
  14. Bermex.. A copy second rate cheap Bomex copy company?
  15. LOL!.. Good effort!.. Well writen!
  16. THATS THE ONE I WAS LOOKING FOR!!! Thanks mate! Saves you $100 spending on the HKS one
  17. 1) Make sure you/your passengers are ok. 2) Make sure the other parts is ok. 3) move the car off the road or as to cause as little impact on the the flowing traffic as possible.. lol.. dingos.. eating babies..
  18. By the time the R35 becomes a as common as 32's or 33's.. There will be more and more manufacturers using this technology.. this means that more and more workshops will be offering this service due to the demand.. Technology will advance.. support will be offord.. when the GTR becomes cheap enough for many of us to afford.. it will common practice.. thats even if it is true!.. And lets face it.. The RB26DETT that is nearing its 21st birthday costs 6K.. which means the 35DETT will have to cost more.. lets say 10K.. its not going to cost 10K to service an engine at its 100,000km mark.. thats just silly thats my 2 cent
  19. x2 mate.. You were already late.. may aswell of helped one of us out man.. would of been more productive than ragging on him on the SAU forums.. Could of been your good deed for the day.. Even if he said 'no, but thanks mate.." If ur broken down.. no clue whats gone wrong to your pride and joy you would only be so lucky a a fellow Skyline modifer would help you out.. Sorry if it comes of condicending.. but just would of been nice.. end half drunen rant..
  20. just ask in the driveline section.. somone will give you a precise answere
  21. See how in the first one the graph is raising and falling irradically?.. Yeah.. not good.. OHHH!.. So the extra "hit" of power in the 3rd is VVL.. guh.. should of put 2 and 2 together..
  22. Thats right.. I couldnt remeber which one was push or pull.. Im pretty sure that the diff is only the way the bearing enguages..
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