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Everything posted by GTS4WD

  1. Hay cara.. You couldnt of made them any smaller? Their a bit big.. I see too much Looks like in the third one.. you lost some high mid (if that makes sence) power.. What mods were done in the second and third? What was goin on with your car in the first one?.. its all over the shop! Slipping clutch? Missfire?
  2. mate.. R32/3 its the same.. Its not a gtr one.. $380 it was Sorry.. I cant find a part number.. Your probably best asking in the driveline section.. You'll get an answere straight away This is what i remeber.. may not be 100% perfrect set up
  3. Its an R32 GTS4 With 32 G/box S2 RB25DE Ill have to hunt around for the receipt.. Ill have to get back to ya lata mate.. sorry..
  4. I Have an R32 GTS4 with an RB25DE in it.. Changed my clutch to an exedy heavy duty organic.. Costed me ~$350 I dont see why it would be any different from a GTR or GTS/T clutch I think a GTST clutch will be fine.. Post the question in the drveline section.. The only diference between GTR/4 and GTS/T gearboxes is the the transfer case.. Are you putting in the clutch urself?
  5. You havent seen some of the figures the NA engines are pushing.. Its not massive power.. the torque is INCREDIBLE! The responce would be awesome too!
  6. WHA!?!?! You had an acco???.. Dude.. that sucks donkey doodle!.. Any mods/goddies on the bottom end? Any new parts? Cheers mate, Cris
  7. Where are you located?
  8. Anyone guys?.. I just dont want to be causing damage to the eninge..
  9. Well truth be told.. I had a drag race, ran too much nos and my passenger footwell welds broke and flew open.. This was before the laoptop flashed "DANGER".. Do you think I should get a 3" exhaust?
  10. Thats because your engine is VVL (Nissan's Variable Valve Lift and Timing) .. Different Cam system VVL varies the timing, duration, and lift of valves by using hydraulic pressure switch between two different sets of camshaft lobes. I really REALLY **REALLY** wanted an SR20VE bottom end and SR16VE in my pulsar.. Either that or the Jap spec X-trail came with an SR22VET.. but then I decided i valued my life.. =] Beau wont be getting the same out of his Rb25DE..
  11. Thats true.. things like clutches, gearboxes and diff's are always the first do go in AWD's.. its a little bit different cos its a GTS4.. but the clutch still will be first to do.. Put in a brass button.. its gonna clamp on like a crack whore to her dealer.. but then wave bye bye to your gear box/dif/driveshafts..
  12. A proper zorst wont give you much more peak KW.. but will increase power and rorque throughout all RPM ranges.. If you want a higher peak power.. and your torque and power throughout most rpm will suffer from this.. get a 3".. but your looseing all round more torque and power.. 2.5" is the goods Id say.. I dont think a hi flow if a must.. on such low power applications its gonna do didly squat And Stainless is better.. But thats my 2c..
  13. Get an organic.. you dont need the clamping force of a button on an NA and their a SL** to drive! and their cheaper. =]
  14. Wow~!.. its so clean! LOOK AT THAT ENGINE BAY! Looks like it just got off the showroom floor!.. Not 10 years old! congrats mate its awesome!.. Thats a top car you snagged yourself!.. Will you be getting headers soon? =P
  15. Do you have a pod?.. any chance you could of gotten water in ti?
  16. Well lets see what 2K gets you: Ajust Cam gears: $400 Cams: $600 Re-grinded cams: $400 Springs: $50 Then I still need to get: Plenum/TB's/valves So i think Ill go 26.. gosh those prices make me dizzy! I THINK I GOT IT!!! Ill turbo my engine.. and SELL! BANG! 2K Slap in the fogies so as the CR is correct and I dont sell a lemon.. BANG 2.5K!! Sell with all Ancillaries and 3K? Maybe? Means I can get rid of some parts laying around too! PROJECT FUNDED! Hmm.. Its gonna take me a couple of weeks to get home and sort out what parts I have/need for the turbo conversion.. hmmm.. .. its so crazy it may just work!
  17. Hay mate.. the gearbox I currently have is more than enough for an NA engine.. As for dog 'boxes.. their BUGGERY expensive! And not really much worth it for a street car that is occasionally driven on a track.. Oh mate.. Im ready to get my hands dirty!.. its been a while since I played with cars now! Eug, I think I may have to do that.. 3L bottom end - 1K 26 Head - 2K Then I can sell a complete RB25DE with NVCS with/out frotn diff for $500 -$600 And make some money back!.. Means the car is off the road less.. but question: Would a stock 26 head still be a higher spec than a 25 head with 2K work done? Ill be getting the porting done professionally.. Everything else will me yours truely..
  18. Thats awesome mate!.. Crongrats! Let the modding begin!.. Just one thing mate.. R33 rims and "GTT" plates? It looks mint mate!.. congrats brother!
  19. Are you sure you connected the two fuel lines.. this sounds lexactly like what happened to me.. turned out to be the fuel lines in the wrong way around..
  20. Dont install 6x9's if your going to have a sub.. 6x9's are designed to give you a little "punch" of bass. If your putting in a sub.. this extra little bit of bass become irrelavent because you have a sub. 6x9's distort easier than 6" and 6" have much better sound quality.. AND you dont have to go through the effort of making 6x9's thats my 2c
  21. Alright.. settle down.. No need to get ur panties in a twist.. Its just alot more than I expected it to be. I work hard for my money so why not spend it on something I enjoy?.. hmm.. theres been some good points raised guys! Definately worth thinking about.. Its alright.. its just gonna take me a little longer to finish the build.. no worries.. Thanks again guys!.. And feel free to add more ideas/criticism im just sorting out my parts and ideas for the build.. so every bit helps..
  22. I the time.. I think it was just theat from the burnout.. To drop a clutch at 5-6K is VERY hard on the clutch.. even if it is brass button! I noticed the same with mine.. after big clutch drops.. it will become "sticky" and have problems engaging/disengaging due to the heat. Have it cheaked out just in case though..
  23. Guys.. I need feedback!.. Much feedback! The more and more I think about this build the less and less Im motivated. To extract good power I need good cams -$600 To get the air in.. I need Front facing plenum/Rb26 plenum with more TB's $500-$1200 To make an air filter fit in I need to relocate battery To rev the engine hard enough to make good power with cams I need new rods -$800 To tune this so as it runs safe I need AT LEAST Z32 NA NVCS ECU with tune - $1000 or stand alone ECU and tune - $1800 I could go down a different path,and not go all out. Although I will want more than just that.. Because I knwo Ill never be satisfied! SKiT's path: "Extractors, exhaust, twin tb, safc untuned, billet f/wheel, reground surecams, 10.5 compression, 18 degrees timing, 98ron ultimate" What did this set you back skit? Pm me. Good for 150kw 507Nm!!! But this includes: Bearings - $70 Rings - $80 Block - $150 Balance - $200 Timing Belt - $150 Front diff adaptor plate $700 (im trying to see if I can get something for less) Crank collar - $70 Thats ~$1500 BEFORE the mods! Im starting to really struggle justifing this. Yes the torque is HUGE! And powerband is large and cool factor is definately up there! When, at home, I have an R33 Turbo, exhaust mani, R33 ECU, SMIC AND DET Forgies! DE+T or DET.. take your pick.. Onlything I need is: Injectors - $200 Fuel pump - $200 And then Im pushing 183.88 flywheel KW - Couldnt tell you RWKW The down side is its only 319Nm @ 6400RPM and then im exactly like every other Tom Dick and Harry with a skyline - turbo.. And I really REALLY dont like being ANYTHING LIKE Tom, Dick OR Harry! The second catch.. I can only drive a turbo 18 months from now.. Now fair enough.. I could spend this time on: suspention, brakes, Weight loss etc. which, by the time I go turbo ill have a pretty well set up car.. but like Tom, Dick and Harry! So.. Spend 2K.. Take 3-4 weeks off the road with ALOT of work.. all for much more Nm and a little more power or wait too long.. Take 2 hrs of work.. spend $500 and have less Nm and slightly less power help guys.. I need input.. Even if you ramble.. just write something.. Each side has their GREAT pros.. and also REALLY shitty cons.. I want more power.. The brakes/box/suspention can handle it. But I dont think I can wait!!! Am I making out to be worse than it really is? Somone slap me back into line and motivate me!
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