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Everything posted by nismoman

  1. Nothing beats a proper set of rims in an aggressive offset to give you the track you want. You can find reasonable brands in good sizes for $1000 or less. I bought my set of Buddy Club P1 rims 17 x 9 in +17 offset for $600 off ebay.
  2. Cool, that the go. Same as my cage. Look forward to seeing you and the skyline next year also. Can't wait! I'm dreaming about those apexes already! A big congratulations to Duncan Forrest on taking out the championship title 2 years in a row! Well done! Excellent achivement. Comesserations Marek, it was a close battle and a hotly contested competition all year. As we know, there can only be one winner. The lap times from the whole field this year were so much quicker than last year. Congrats to all other class/type winners also. See you all next year! Who's going to the preso/skid pan day on 21/11/10?
  3. Wow! That is one hot Sierra! Nice work, can't wait to see it finished.
  4. Massa will not win any race from now on this season. Ferrari orders. Only way he might, is if Alonso is out of the race or completely out of the points.
  5. ^^ I couldn't have said it better myself Duncan! They need to consistently enforce the rules and make it across the board nationally. That or changes the rules/classes to meet the growing number of turbo imports wanting to compete in these events.
  6. Why does Webber always start so shockingly? Do RBR need to look at the clutch or launch procedure? It's nearly always a given he will be eaten up by the first corner, thus compromising his race.
  7. So true!! Oldie but a goodie. My Dad told me that one when I was a boy and I didn't see the funny side of it until I started going to the track.
  8. It's a shame motorsport isn't supported more with sponsors, clubs and prize money. I have a sporting background in sailing, and even though getting individual sponsorship was difficult, there was prize money on offer for top 3 places outright and top 3 on handicap (or class wins). Say $1000 for 1st, $500 for 2nd and $250 for 3rd. Not enough to make you rich, but it did help you pay some bills. This financial support came from the sailing clubs that hosted the race and from the event's naming sponsors. It's a really well organised system they have. Coverage of the event from local newspapers, magazines and sometimes local TV also helped attract sponsorship dollars.
  9. How is that thing so cheap?? There must be a something wrong with it. Sounds too good to be true.
  10. +1 Best RWD NA choice for sure!!! Good looks, reliable, good power and excellent chassis. What's there not to like!!!
  11. "special" helmets aren't required as such. A terraphone system can be fitted to most helmets, but of course the car needs to have the intercom system installed also. They are available from shops like revolution racegear. Without the intercom system however, a strong voice and hand signals come in handy!! The type of system for calling corners varies as they suit different people. It's really a personal choice. I have used the 1 to 6 system in the past and it seems very popular. We used vandenburg pace notes and a sample of them can be found here: http://www.vandenbergmotorsport.com/upload...ample_notes.pdf You should find the sample helpful in explaining the different kinds of calls and what all the shorthand symbols mean.
  12. Well done Stuart on a new class record! Top effort considering you're day was cut short. Also, nice to meet you Chris! Very glad for you when I saw 1:59.93 on natsoft. Good work getting under 2mins.
  13. Keep it simple, you already have one of the best budget racing platforms: 1. Keep the S13, convert to SR, or mod the CA18DET to 200-250rwkw's. 2. Convert to 5 stud 3. Get some big fat wheels and fill those guards with as much good semi slick tyre 4. Go out and blitz it with a smile on your dial! 5. Keep modding it until it's totally off tits and then when you're old and grey and can't get in and out of the thing from bad arthritis Or, sell the S13 and buy an S14 if you couldn't be stuff modding your S13 more.
  14. Small budget track car = Silvia Best bang for buck over GTR and Evo. Just comes down to your budget really. Maybe sell the S13 and update to a later model Silvia. I would go for S14 model as it's the cheapest version of the S-Chassis with 5 stud and decent brakes from factory. Should be able to pick up a neat one for around $10k-12k maybe less.
  15. Sure am! Put my form in a couple of weeks back. Can't wait! Look forward to seeing you there. Hope my tyres last, Eastern Creek punishes my front right and both rears compared to Wakefield. I'm going to dial in some more negative camber on the front to try and help. The front right shoulder really cops it.
  16. Porsche driver should not have put the Vette driver into the wall. Went a bit far with that one. There are better ways to win a race than that. The Vette driver was no angle either, passing in the pit lane exit and making contact with the Porsche, but a real shame to see it end like it did. Exciting for fans, TV and Youtube hey!!
  17. I think it's best to contact the ARDC on the bottom of the entry form, maybe Brian? They'll be able to confirm over phone your entry.
  18. Anyone else notice the McLaren's were very bouncy over the bumps (in new section) compared to other cars? Slightly stiffer dampening I suppose. Didn't really hurt them results wise but it didn't look ideal.
  19. The Disco's are dirt cheap but the old 3.5 ltr V8 is an ancient engine with horrible fuel economy. My Dad's 1984 Range Rover used to have one (albeit carbuereted version) used to average between 18-19ltrs per 100km's so not much has changed. Fuel injection has helped, but I'm sure the weight of the models after 1984 has increased as well hurting fuel economy. LPG conversion could be a solution for you as they are still giving out government assistance right? I hear the Turbo Diesel models are the pick for the Disco's. If I had to find a cheap replacement for my company landcruiser then I'd probably look at a TDi version Disco.
  20. If there's a larger capacity/load option then take it. Otherwise it is on the limit. Might be ok, but if the better option is there for a couple of extra bucks, then...
  21. I'm pretty sure it was Hamiton's front wing that gave Vetool his puncture as Hamilton said after the race there was some slight damage to his front wing where contact was made, even though both driver's said they didn't feel any significant contact at the time. But... I like your thinking! What I want to see is team jihad getting up there and mixing it up to make the results abit more than a McLaren-RedBull fight. And, forgive me now, but I would really like to see the old Schumacher banging wheels with Hamilton, Vetool, Webber et al.... Have to say, it's been a pretty exciting F1 season so far. Plenty to talk about hey?
  22. Application and supp regs forms on this site: http://www.supersprints.com.au/
  23. Was anybody else happy that Williams and Rubens had a good result last gp? I've been waiting for Williams to score some good points and I was happy to see them get a reasonable result.
  24. Just wondering if anyone knows what's going on at the end of year for presentation, where is it being held and when? I heard last year it was held at Marulan Driver Training Centre and people I spoke to who attended really enjoyed it. I was hoping it would be the same this year?
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