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Everything posted by nismoman

  1. Nice one Mat, coming together nicely. I noticed the lights and extra power points you put in. Very practical. You planning on building something special or any more plans for the S14 with this new garage set up?
  2. Rally is cool fun, and I see Kimi is enjoying crashing a few Citroen's and eating a few meat pies! I don't think we will see him return to F1. What do you all think?
  3. "New Stuff" hey? Sounds interesting.... Hope it's dry, although I would be ok if it was a wet track. Really hones the driving skills when it rains. Sadly no changes or modifications for me I'm just hoping my tyres still have some good lap times in them as they are now 7 track days old. Would love to get into the 1:06's
  4. That's good to hear about the wear. Not as bad as I thought then. I know they are softer and idealy suited for sprints of only 3-5 laps so was curious about their longevity. Lot's of hype around the A050's since Superlap.
  5. OK. So Round 5 is coming up this Saturday at Wakefield Park. Who's going? What's the latest with your car? What can we expect on Saturday? New PB's? Sunshine or rain? Vroom Vroom!!
  6. Those scissor hoists would do the job in a low ceiling garage, but they cost the same if not more than a proper hoist. Would be nice if they were cheaper.
  7. ^^ Spot on Richard. Hit the nail on the head right there me thinks.
  8. Nice one! Would love a hoist, but I don't have the roof height. I work on my car while it's parked on my trailer a fair bit. It's good as it makes the car a nice height to work on. I can jack it up on the trailer also. But nothing beats a hoist.
  9. Webber's proved he knows how to handle himself on/off the track and deals with the F1 politics appropriately. He demonstrates a mature and professional manner in these dealings and doesn't need any cuddles or pats on the back to make him feel better. (unlike Vettel) I know it doesn't feel good having your own team not backing you 100%, but if anyone is up to overcoming such adversity, it's Webber. He will maintain his dignity and let his driving do all the talking for him. When the flag drops, the bullshit stops. Again, let's hope he wins some more races and takes out a title before RBR implode.
  10. Excellent frame by frame post. Proof is right there. Hope Mark goes onto win more races now and completely wipes the floor with Vettel and his cry baby antics!
  11. At least pointswise it wasn't a disaster for Webber. Still 3 wins in a row would've been nice if it wasn't for his cheating team mate.
  12. Vettel is a spoilt little brat and chucks a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. I really dislike how Vettel carries on and blames others for his own mistakes. The onus is on the overtaking driver to get around the car in front. Vettel claims he had the inside line, had already overtaken Mark and was focusing on his braking point when all of a sudden Mark ran into him. What a load of BS! Did he forget about the bit where he swerved into Mark's car? I know what Vettel was trying to do, he knew his line going into the next corner was going to be tight and he was trying to make room to get a better approach and turn in point. But you've got to get clear of the other car first mate!!! What's Webber to do? Move over and make it dead easy for you? This was for 1st position! Webber wasn't the one who swerved or deviated off line, Vettel was! End of story little brat.
  13. The A050's might be quick, but people seem to be going through them like toilet paper! At around $500 per tyre it gets very expensive. How many track days do you expect to get out of a set? 2-3?
  14. I did not like the sound of the honda civics. Give me a nice sounding RB anyday!
  15. I think the commentator did ok. It's pretty hard doing it solo and trying to think of stuff to say all the time. I'm sure alot of us on here could not do a better job. That said, I was only there on the Saturday and I can see how listening to 2 days of the one voice and get a bit tiresome. Also, the times he called out I thought was good. Everytime a car went over the line he would call out the driver name and lap time. It was easy to know who was doing what, and how far off their PB and all.
  16. My apologies. You are entitled to your opinion no matter how correct/incorrect it is. I think you are looking at it from the wrong direction. I agree that F1 engineers and designers do not have road cars in mind when they invent a new part or technology. They are there to win races in F1 only and couldn't care less about the car industry. What I'm saying is that car manufacturers look to F1 for ideas and new technology and use what they think can be applied to their production cars. Whether this is purely for "fashion" or not, there is no denying this occurs. Anyway, enough of dribbling over splitting hairs, who's going to win the next GP? Red Bull and Mark Webber anyone?
  17. I'm cool with that. It seemed earlier you weren't listening thats all. Also djr81 strongly disagreed with my earliler posts so was more directed at him.
  18. djr81 and scarface_au - you both seem to suffer a deficiency in comprehension. I'm not stating that F1 parts fit directly to our road cars, or that the same production process is even used. I responded to both your posts where you took the position that F1 and it's innovations have nothing to do with inspiring the design of production cars. To have this opinion shows both your ignorance. Does it matter that it takes time for the technology to filter down? No. The correct answer is it does filter down regarless of time. Does it matter that it gets re-designed and changed to fit and be better applied to a road car? No. The correct answer is F1 still inspires the design.
  19. That picture makes me cry!
  20. I don't understand your argument djr81. I clearly gave some examples of the materials and products used in F1 that are now in production cars. I know they are not going to grab the F duct and install it on a Corolla. Not everything is practical or even relevant to a production car, but there are "some" crossovers, however limited they may be. Look at the R35 GTR with its underbody aero, diffusers and spoilers. Didn't F1 have something to do with developing wings on cars to produce downforce?
  21. There is some merit in looking at F1 contributing to the general improvement of production road vehicles. Lets not forget, the use of lightweight materials such as carbon fibre, titanium and other exotic alloys in exhaust and suspension components. The use of paddle shift gear boxes, even Mazda 3's come with this technology now. Carbon ceramic brakes as used on some of the more expensive sports cars.
  22. Thanks Chris. Appreciate the cheers! I'm very happy with the Silvia, it's really fun to drive and I love it! It's always been a goal of mine to get under 1min 50secs around Eastern Creek so couldn't be happier. Next round is at Wakefied Park - Saturday 5th June 2010 Then Wakefield again - Sunday 20th June 2010
  23. ^^ My sentiments exactly.
  24. Still will be awesome regardless. I still can't wait to check out all the other hot cars!
  25. I seriously doubt the other USA teams even got loaded on a boat. I would think they wouldv'e withdrawn from the competition before shipping the cars some weeks ago. The superlap website doesn't mention anything about withdrawal of the teams, but if you check the entry list in Pro Class, there is only one USA car - i.e. Sierra Sierra Evo. Perhaps Superlap organisers felt it would hurt their ticket sales or event turnout if they announced any withdrawals?? Having said that, I know in motorsport things don't always work out but would think overseas teams pulled out weeks ago.
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