True, but if room wasn't an issue a properly built manifold wont have an issue, the housing is a quick easy job whereas making a manifold with enough room between collector and turbo flange to accept the correct size and angled (proper angle should follow exhaust flow not be a right angle) wastegate exit pipe is a far harder job. all the Decent jap ones ive seen (at signal) with T88's and T51's tend to have either two feeds into the one gate pipe or a large exit pipe that comes out nearly vertical and then does a 180 back down to the gate.
This is a dodgy paint version of one of the fixes, this pic does not show the correct exit radius (looks like a 90 but its more like 60 when done correct) but it gives the general idea. In the origin pic you can see the gas need to pull more than a 90 degree turn to exit the gate pipe, we oval the hole and take a large radius 90 (bigger diameter) and angle cut the manifold end and merge it (final gate position depends on the setup) that way we increase the volume but reduce the exit angle (reduce it by half) from the merge. On one setup for a mate we actually ran double gate exit points merged to a single gate but it was ALOT of work and not feasible to do as a charge out job.