thats like pulling a pfc for a microtech....
The above is my preference order, the MAHLE are realy nice piston (great for race motors) and we have used a few sets with excellent results but they cant be expected to last as long in a street engine as a longer skirted piston, just something to think of.
The cosworth (most jap brands like TRUST, JUN etc use cosworth) are my top choice, good comprimise between weight and strength have nice crowns and anti detonational / scuff bands above the top ring land, Can handle just about any accidental abuse you throw at them....
The JE's are strong as... and my first choice for street with weekend circuit work as they are almost impossible to damage and will handle a few overheats and bad batches of fuel if the situation arises.
The arias pistons are fairly simple piston, pretty average crown (especially SR) but they are cheap and are used in all my entry level budget builds.
At the end of the day piston choice is often the builders choice and is based on what they have the most experience with.... unfortunatley most engine build kits sold online are pieced together with whats got the biggest profit margin or whats easiest to source not really what is the best for the aplication.