who is saying i havent been present? .... must admit ive never mingled but will soon as i get my car finished, i live 1 street from sandown so watching and not participating at a track so close to home is frustrating
im not wanting to start as pissing contest but i am just sick of so many one eyed skyline owners.... there are many ways to skin a cat and i found the -5's did not provide the results i wanted... i have never said this is "THE SETUP" it is just A SETUP... and including a full eng build was done on a budget... im not going to post exactly how much but it was a four figure budget not a 5 figure budget.... all up and could be replicated for a customer under 5 figures too.... with either -5, gt3540 or K5.
BTW you mentioned snowy how much did snowy's setup cost? my dyno graph shows the same power at the same speeds/ rpm and i hazzard to say the same torque.
as for pricing,i think you took my qoute too literally
Blitz K5-660r retail is $3475 (i paid $1600 as it was old stock, no stock turns in 6mths)
GT3540 retail is $2075
GT2860R-5 retail is $2990 pair
now if we shop around we can save considerable coin, $500 more retail than the -5 twins is not a huge amount in the whole scheme of things.