ok The only sealants i use are RTV:
ULTRA GREY for any sumps, water housings etc (same as OEM use) as it is hard to notice, looks OEM and NEVER LEAKS
ULTRA BLACK use it for some rocker covers as it is hard to notice, looks OEM and NEVER LEAKS.
THREEBOND make the shit for nissan the orange stuff. Killer gear just looks shit on a engine build worth 10k
HYLOMAR SPRAY Perfect for HKS/GREDDY TOMEI metal intake gaskets etc and if your a fanatic it can be used on metal head Gaskets also
i prefer to use the permatex RTV gear. I take alot of pride in the engines i build so i like them to look good (stupid i know but they offer diff colours and it suites me, nothing worse than bolting together a killer setup only to have orange or red goop hanging out every join or gap....) and best of all they never leak or weep. this gear has NEVER let me down.