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Everything posted by STATUS

  1. whats your altitude?
  2. if you think these big companies make the stuff in house then your off with the fairies, there is quite a possibility it is straight out the back door of the same factory the others are from. I buy cranks from a company that supplies a few majors @ 1/4 the price.. there are other options you just need to validate its source. if some-one buys it in vic im happy to compare the gearset to a genuine GREDDY item, it would be worth getting the gearset tested.
  3. when you baby it around then only give it stick now and again it blows out all the deposits (condensation and carbon type build up).
  4. check the boost sensor is hooked up, and secondly that the boost source for the BOV is connected. If either are missing it will do that... as will a split hose (cooler) Second dip is normal as the std ecu has a big timing drop in i, run std boost and dip goes away... or a quick remap removes it straight away.
  5. that would be the builder not the pistons.
  6. My point is only if you have two to chose from in the beginning steer the other way. If its in there already and its working for you dont bother changing.
  7. it will swap accross if you use the r33 intake etc...
  8. TBH you dont know what your missing until you fit another more capable ecu... i personally love tuning microtechs cause they are so basic and simple even a kid can tune them only drama is they are coarse.
  9. its a easy 5 min swap to bolt the diff in, only need to use gtr outer hubs to make it all work. Workshop above has no idea.
  10. are the plugs consistent ie all black?
  11. if its low on a couple it is probably hurt and the tuner is being careful.
  12. has it got a new turbo on it? different one to the one it was tuned with?
  13. i posted dyno sheets and ecu maps on this ages ago.... more boost equals more fuel and way less timing so it it loses heaps of mid range. R34 is worse again.
  14. No comparison.... the lt12 is a blunt tool.
  15. i seen a few import when i was in the carribean a few weeks back.
  16. BOV vac line.
  17. Swap the arias out for JE or CP's.
  18. Cheers not mine from a shop around the corner.
  19. Please keep an eye out for this engine as it will most likely get stripped and sent interstate, so i figured this would be the best spot Cash reward on offer $5000 no if's, but's,what's..what ever as long as engine is returned as it was!! If anyone have any info call chris @ billet motorsport on 0404 866 522 The following parts were also stolen 1X Brand new Garrett GT4202R 2X Brand new Garrett T51R with bigger compresser covers 1X used T04b turbocharger 2X Brand new 38mm TIAL wastegates 1X Brand new 60mm TIAL wastegate 1X Brand new Custom radiator 2X Brand new Custom intercoolers 1X Brand new Haltch IG5 2X Jasons exhaust manifolds
  20. Hey david buy the ID1000's not the rochestors... far better injector.
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