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mr rb25 r33

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  1. i hope this rule isnt the same for chaasis rails my r33 is on the way from nz both front ones are pushed up on the insides cose some idiot used a trolley jack on it for its wof(rwc there)to jack it up...oh dddddaaaammmmmm.......while im here anyone know if my car can be complainced there using my tein adjustable suspenion??its a personal import..your rules are all over the place and very silly someone needs to clean it up sorry for hi jacking ya thread...
  2. cheers for that now i can sleep at nite,will block it off as it runs a aftermarket gauge anyway..thanks..
  3. just put my engine back into my r33 and on the maniefold next to the big air line that goes to the brake boost theres a small pipe next to it any one knows where the hose is meant to go its got me stumped...engines been out for a year and i just cant remember...cheers guys..
  4. do a google search for a company called mainfreight their a aus nz company pretty sure they go there too..
  5. will have to ring him next month got this months phone billin afew days ago $212 ringing there trying to find things out just ended up going in circles and got nowhere,the misses wasnt happy..
  6. hey just had a good look through your web site,strict rules aye,dam i will be needing more new tyres again(just got some).mite be just easyer to buy a car from you,when you say car price around $12000 how much normally is it over by??what are the basic requirements for the personal import rules that the car has to pass??it will still need to be complianced though aye???and i guess as it hasnt got the orginal cc rating it,ll need a mod plate??cheers for the help mate...
  7. hi guys just found this cool site so joined up.anyway moving from nz to brisbane soon,i would love to bring my skyline with me but im at a bit of a dead end,i,ll give you abit of info on the car what i,ve got is a 1996 gts coupe(twin airbag model)93000kms owned by me for 2years now and 1 perviuos jap owner was a factory 2ltr single cam ,but it has been converted to a 2.5ltr turbo engine with gtst brakes and hubs etc has tein hr adjustables(sits very low and hard),apexi exhaust hks front mount 17x9inch rims 255/40 tyres,just spent up on it rebuilt engine with oversized forged pistons hi flowed the turbo hd clutch blitz digital boost controller z32 airflow meter bla bla bla.have made inquires on the dotars site they dont seem to know much they say ring a raws shop ring them they say bring the car wont know till they see it..so is this true,i understand i cant bring the car in untill i move then im classed as a aus resudent then i can ship the car over after i apply for import appoval,im ok with that..but to get it complianced i,ve been told the wheels have to come off to wide,suspension has to come out..as it has to come in as in factory specs,so this is the thing it was a factory 2ltr does the engine have to come out,or am i reading it all wrong????is it true i have to put new tyres on too??i just spent $1000 on them.. ...how much is the compliance cost then i guess i,ll need a mod plate for the engine???if its aloud..also on my chasisis rails at the front of car its been pushed up abit in the centres looks like trolly jacks have been used at some stage is this a problem???is it true you get 2years to get it complianced then you have to ship it out or cut it up?? looks like areal hassel they make things so hard there,i bought in a rx2 from aus to nz 4years ago all i had to do was put it on a boat a week after landing it was complianced and on the road..no red tape at all you just deal with a one stop shop here,would be great if some one in the know there could help out as if i cant bring this i,ll be driving an old holden ...
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