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Turbo Dave

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Everything posted by Turbo Dave

  1. Would these fit on an R33GTR without mods!
  2. Just because your foot was off the clutch doesn't mean it wasn't slipping. From what you have descibed I would say clutch also!!! Dave
  3. Man i hope this is around in 6months!
  4. 2 guys in Sydney that i know running the same hiflow but with stock housings are making 280rwkw@20psi on their RB25's. If I can get somewhere around that I will be stoked. If i dont get the result from the hiflow what would be the next stepup from the hiflow? Something in the 300-350rwkw region but with minimal lagg so as not to suffer too much with the auto? I plan on building a forged motor in the future to run a bit bigger setup but wanna max out what I have at the moment!
  5. An invisible one...SHHHHH Have been meaning to get one fitted, will have to get around to that. Didn't realize it wasn't in my Sig, has a Tomei intake pump.
  6. For some reason its gone out of tune, dunno why, Ive been told that the stock computer still has too much control and a standalone would get longer lasting results. It now pings on high boost(15psi) and blows black smoke out the pipe most of the time, and is slowly getting worse, Have been running on low boost(10psi) for months now. I realise the change of ECU wont give me a better HP figure but thought the bigger housing and a bit more boost on a standalone ECU with a good tune might do it. Also.. always runs Vortex98 and was slowly getting worse even before changing the rear housing.
  7. Current tune is far from decent, but when I 1st got it done that was the figure it got. I thought with a bigger rear housing and a bit more boost it would get a bit more!
  8. I got my R33 Auto tuned with specs below apart from the VG30 rear, My Question is.. should I see more power once I put the Vipec on and retune? My goal once fitted and tuned is 250rwkw(that would be around the 275-280 if it was manual so thats about all for a stock motor) and quicker spoolup and midrange. Are these realistic expectations? Dave
  9. How many K's and what comes with the RB25 Bottom end? Is the engine number still ok to be rego'd in NSW? Dave
  10. Has full S2 bodykit and dual airbags.. looks like a S2 to me!
  11. This is the injector map of my EMU. I dont know a thing about what these numbers mean really but my car is stareting to run like SH!T! Getting alot of soot on the back now and cant run full boost without pinging. Full is 15psi low is 10.5 runs on low boost but stinks of fuel when ever I pullup. Does this map look normal?
  12. make sure actuator is still connected to the wastegate.
  13. Good luck with that unless your going to buy my EMU after I get a Vipec.
  14. Your truck reads 49.8 on the outside temp while crossing the Hay Plains
  15. What boost gauge are you reading this off?, not the stock one in the dash I hope coz its not in PSI.
  16. Im No Guru but Im pretty sure you need a RWC to be able to sell a car in Vic mate.
  17. This would help me clear my cooler pipe a little easier, any pics? and what sort or thermostat would you use? ECU controlled or manual thermostat?
  18. Search is your friend!!
  19. I did see the 320 for myself, only going by what I was told so it may not be true. I got my Hi-flow done in Sydney which has a 55mm 8Blade TO4 Compressor.. and dash3 Sierra 56mm Exhaust wheel. These are the specs I was told when I got mine done, I dont know if its a good or bad combo but it seems to go OK. Can anyone tell me if this is the normal setup for a Hi-Flow? Dave
  20. Get a hi-Flow with VG30 rear housing, Im aiming for about 260-270rwkw with my auto after I get the rear housing Fitted and retuned with the Vipec. A guy in sydney is getting 320rwkw from this same turbo in a manual, but I think he is running a forged motor with a few more intake and fuel mods.
  21. I was going to get some Royal Purple but after reading Phaseshiftdowns post with the desciptions of oils and how they are made I will only be running 300V from now on.
  22. If the Gate was stuck open it would be sluggish the whole way, but if it is low spring pressure it would explain why its still responsive but only getting 9psi, and with and BC it can only acheive 15psi before the gate cant close any harder.
  23. I just got a 4 and 2litre bottle of 300v and a drift filter from Autobarn, they had a whole range of Drift filters there and Royal Purple oil aswell.
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