BTW, yesterday while i was at home a corolla pulled into my caldersack beside my house ( a small street nobody goes down unless they live there) now my car was parked beside my house on the grass, i heard the two blokes talkn as they were turning so i got up & walked out to my varendah to find these two UGLY C**TS starring out my car very suspiciously!
So i starred at them waiting for them to notice me & the driver saw me & was VERY startled & said aimlessly "oh do you want to sell it bra,how much did u pay for it, what mods have you done" etc i just bullshited & then he says is that your white one out the front? ( referring to mate/neighbours R33 gtst parked out the front) of his house another SAU nsw member.
So my message is they are ALWAYS sussing cars out! waiting for an easy target! Keep your eyes pelled!