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Everything posted by lilkaaay

  1. yo. what time are you heading down on sat to alex.s?!?!?!? the meet departs at 9AM sharp @ edithvale, but im trying to get the ppl who arranged it to make the south east meet down the road @ aspendale car park. i cant believe its so early! normally i cbf.d but im going for my friends heeheh xoxo

  2. hey sorry for the random sms!!! I was washing my car and this guy came up to me and we spoke for ages and then we exchanged SAU names LOL, so I sms'd it to you incase I forgot hahaha!!! Anyways, still owe you heaps, I will come past soon and stock up the cupboard and I owe you plenty of water hahah xooxo tc talking soon


  4. i still owe your shop some food! haha.. i keep on remembering, so i go to the shop, but then i eat it all ! hahah

  5. need photos from the INBA asap!! Waiting on u ='( xox wifey

  6. hello guess where i am?!?! RIGHT HERE next to u in your shop =) xOx

  7. thank you that helps a lot!
  8. that sounds good... yes i want them re-machined, polished and powder coated and re-sealed. do u know roughly how much it costs?
  9. The person who attempted to fix one wheel started rubbing it back and it went wrong!! Luckily it was only the size of a five cent piece... I took it into the panel beaters and they had a go, still bad news!! As for the doing it myself... the panel beaters suggested to mask it up and paint the centers black and i got all excited because I wanted the painter to do three and then i wanted to paint one of them myself just for fun but then I decided that i want them powder coated.
  10. No he cant unfortunately. He does not polish wheels but he will be painting my car again. Not sure if I want to go back to pearl white or paint it black or a darker gun metal. STUCK!! LOL. Anyways thank you, I will keep Graeme Automotive in mind... cruize soon yeah?
  11. Yes I have taken it into a panel beater, they suggested something different to what I have in mind, I thought about it and then changed my mind... so instead they forwarded me the contact details of a wheel place. I took one wheel in and they said that they did not want to do the job, they did not have the time... I had a spray painter attempt to do the job on one wheel but again it was not what I want. Keeping all my options open, I don’t want to take it to more than one place... I want to drop it off somewhere and pick them up, polished, re-sealed and powder coated.. ready to put the tyres on.
  12. I picked up a set of work meisters: 114.3x5 18x11 & 114.3x5 18x10 Basically I want to paint strip all the old clear coat and then have them re-polished and have the finished product re-sealed. I also want the centers powder coated black. Does anyone know any places that do this? Preferably in the city area, or Hawthorn, Kew or Richmond area... I don’t want my three piece to be taken apart. I took one to this shop in whoop whoop land and they wouldn't do it so now I am looking around.. pls help!! -Karla
  13. Phatt Audio Concepts (PAC) Phast and Phurious Drive in Phatt Audio Concepts are hosting a Cruise to Celebrate Fast and Furious 4 We’re calling on the owners of all cruisers, tuners, old and new skool alike... to make this the biggest night that Lunar Drive In has seen in a long time. We will be honoured by the presence of the Alpine Imprint Nitro, We will hopefully have one of the city’s best automotive photographers coming along as well to snap a few shots And as always we will have plenty of giveaways... There will be judges walking around giving Heaps and Heaps of giveaways from Alpine and Boston and more for the winning cars on display !! Start Time: 02 May 2009 at 15:00 End Time: 03 May 2009 at 00:00 Location: Lunar Drive In Cinema Street: South Gippsland Fwy Town/City: Dandenong, Australia Email: [email protected] We are hoping to rally the troops for a seriously fun night out and maybe even provide some networking oportunities for all our Phriends and Phamily alike... ...We have some seriously cool giveaways and we've organised 3 movies for ya'll to enjoy... Entry price will be $19.50 per person at Lunar... Meet Point will be Phatt Audio Concepts 1/11 Heland Place Braeside, Vic at 3:00pm We're allowed access to the drive-ins at 5pm which gives us time to have a bit of a perve on each others rides as the sun goes down... Invite and bring your friends but please so hooning or we won't invite you back... *If Saturday looks like rain, event will be reshceduled for Sunday* For more info send an email to [email protected] or send me a PM Phatt Audio Concepts Unit 1 11 Heland Place Braeside Vic 3195 Ph: 03 9580 1282 Fax: 03 9580 1283 www.phattaudio.com.au [email protected]
  14. I have a couple of friends interested nismo s1 & they are not on SAU.
  15. Question time ABC a couple of weeks back [= and yes debt is not necessarily a negative thing so long as it does not result in political instability
  16. Here is my logical, rational and educated response Tax cuts? Or cash payments? After 5 consecutive cuts in the loosening of monetary policy, the 7% to 3.25% cash rate target has been deemed insufficient to combat the economic downturn and many econometric models reveal that without the stimulus package Australia may be headed in the footsteps of most of their trading partners. -$4.8 billion for an immediate down payment on long-term pension reform -$3.9 billion in support payments for low and middle-income families -$1.5 billion investment to help first-home buyers buy a home -$187 million to create 56,000 new training places in 2008-09 (ABOVE STATS FROM: NineMSN: Money, News & Analysis, Rudd unveils $10 billion stimulus package viewed 9th February. 2009, ..) It took the Liberal party 10 years to pay off the $90Billion debt… how long will it take to pay off a $200Billion debt? 6/10 of Australia’s trading partners are in recession… Everyone thinks we are headed into a recession. SO during this pessimistic time about future market conditions deteriorating, isn’t it rational that people will save and not spend? I spoke to some friends about it today and it seems as though a lot of people want to save as opposed to spend, but the objective here is short term expenditure-to inject billions of dollars into the economy and create a multiplier effect in order to combat the economic downturn which has been projected to add 1% to Australia’s Gross Domestic Product according to ANZ. This boost in the economy is supposed to be stimulated by a huge increase private consumption resulting from higher levels of consumer and business confidence. WHY are people planning to save when it defeats the whole purpose of the stimulus package??! So here is $950 with one catch… you repay the $200 Billion debt under the future steepy progressive taxation system over the next few decades. Consider the effects of a tax cut to stimulate the economy in the short and the long term: the expansionary fiscal policy. A tax cut occurs when the government implements an expansionary budgetary deficit or a smaller budgetary surplus relative to the previous year’s budget surplus. This was the case for Australia during 2005-2006 in comparison to 2004-2005. A budget deficit is a situation where the “total value of government outlays exceeds the total value of its receipts for a period of time” (Morris, 2004, pg.294). In the short run a tax cut will induce individuals to spend more relative to save due to the increase in their disposable income and hence purchasing power. The increase in total expenditure (private consumption and business investment) will increase planned expenditure- that is the amount that the household, private and government sector would like to spend on goods and services. Planned expenditure is dependent on the level of income because a higher level of income results in higher consumption levels, representing a part of planned expenditure. Consumption increases by the marginal propensity to consume; “the increase in consumption resulting from a one-dollar increase in disposable income” (Mankiw, 2007, pg.560); multiplied by the change in taxes. Additionally, for a given level of income (denoted as Y), planned expenditure is now higher. The overall effect on income of the decrease in tax can be illustrated by tax multiplier: ^y/^t = - MPC / 1- MPC This shows the amount of income changes in response to a $1.00 change in taxes. In connection, the tax multiplier in the Keynesian Cross indicates that the change in policy increases the level of income at any given interest rate by: ^T x MPC / 1 – MPC (Mankiw, 2007). As a result the IS curve to shift to the right, as illustrated in the diagram below: The shift in the IS curve to the right increases the level of national income from Y1 to Y2. This in turn increases the real interest rate from r1 to r2. Due to John Maynard Keynes notion of sticky wages, prices in the short term remain fixed, illustrated on the AD diagram, on point P2. Because the level of income has increased but the price level remains the same, the level of consumption is increased from y1 to y2. Moreover, the increase in interest rates represents an increase in the cost of credit, which is unfavourable to investors. As a result, investment decreases. In the long run however, prices can alter. The aggregate demand curve shifts to the right to AD2 due to the increase in expenditure. Additionally, the free forces of demand and supply interact until they equilibrate at point 5, at the natural rate. The interest rates are further increased to point r3 as well as price levels, at P3. Consumption is returned to its original level, due to the decrease in the real value of money and investment decreases due to the increase in the real interest rate. Overall the impact of a tax cut will increase the price levels as well as the interest rates in the long term. Consider the effects of an injection to stimulate the economy in the short and the long term: the expansionary fiscal policy. When the government is increasing the budget deficit they are adopting an expansionary stance in their objective to stimulate the economy by raising injection into the economy relative to outlays, or by increasing government outlays relative to the collection of revenues. An increase in the deficit will stimulate planned expenditure, causing the IS curve to shift to the right. In connection, an increase in the budget deficit can take form in an increase in government consumption (current spending) and government investment (capital spending) or a decrease in taxes. The Keynesian Cross states, in respect to this policy that the government purchases multiplier raises the level of income at any given interest rate. This can be illustrated using the equation: ^G / ( 1 – MPC ) As a result of this increase in planned expenditure, the IS curve shifts to the right. In addition, the increase in planned expenditure resulting from an increase in government expenditure increases production and hence increases the level of national income. The liquidity preference theory states that an increase in the level of total income will increase the quantity of money demanded at every interest rate, given that demand is dependent on income. However, supply has not been altered, but a higher level of money demand results in an increase in the interest rate. This increase in the real interest rate induces firms to save more relative to spend because the increase represents an increase in costs. The decrease in investment “offsets the expansionary effort of the increase in government purchases” and hence investment becomes unfavourable (Mankiw, 2007, pg.305). These events are illustrated in the diagrams below: Nevertheless, in the long run, national income returns to its natural rate as AD decreases. The interest rate is further increased to R3 and the price level alters and is increased to P3. Furthermore, consumption returns back to its natural level due to the increase in the price level and the decrease in the real value of money. Also, investment is decreased due to further increases in the interest rate. Ultimately an increase in the budgetary deficit will increase the price levels and the interest rate. Black, J. (1997), A Dictionary of Economics, Oxford University Press, New York. Mankiw, N. G. (2007), Macroeconomics, 6th edn, Worth Publishers, USA. Morris, R. (2004), Macroeconomics Down Under, 2nd edn, John Wiley & Sons, Queensland. NineMSN: Money, News & Analysis, Rudd unveils $10 billion stimulus package viewed 9th February. 2009, <http://money.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=646631> RBA revised 2009, viewed 9th February, 2009, <http://www.rba.gov.au>
  17. -Post September 11 2001: CEOs from more than 30 multinational corporations pleaded before the U.S President for tax cuts to stimulate the economy -Security Traders Association to the United States Congress regarding the need for a tax cut to stimulate the economy and the stock market. -On January 28th a $819 billion expenditure and tax cut package in the US was approved by the House of Representatives in order to combat the financial crisis after the failure of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Furthermore, “Economic advisers to President Barack Obama have suggested avoiding bailout programs which would only deepen the recession” (Sasseen, 2009). -As stated in the Economist, even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected tax cuts to be “worth 1.5% of global GDP to kick in this year” (2009, p79-80, 2p). -U.S. House Republican Leader John Boehner proposed eliminating the capital gains tax, as well as other tax cuts. It features the members of Obama's economic team (Wall Street Journal, 08) Taken from the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry official website: ‘STIMULUS PACKAGE PASSES – A CHANGE TO AVOID RECESSION’ (Friday 13th Feb 09) “ACCI will continue to advocate taxation reform as a stimulus measure. We will also continue to seek measures in the May Federal Budget to rein in non-productive government expenditure in order to restore the budget to surplus over the economic cycle" (Anderson, Chief Executive, 2009, pg.1 ACCI Pre Budget Submission to the Department of Treasury: Enhancing Incentives to support jobs and growth "Good macroeconomic outcomes rely fundamentally upon solid macroeconomic foundations. Tax relief enhances both labour force participation and work incentives" (ACCI, 2009, pg.8). "A focus on income tax cuts and infrastructure spending would be well targeted to support those sectors of the economy that are expected to be experiencing most difficulty... Tax cuts will bolster household incomes and assist in alleviating the extent of the downturn being experiences in the retail sector of the economy. Income tax relief also has a range of favourable effects in terms of efficiency gains, enhances work incentives, increased labour force participation and international competitiveness, all of which will improve Australia's longer-run rate of economic growth" (ACCI, 2009, pg.8). Blind? Stupid? Or have you been living in a dark tunnel for the past 6 months??
  18. wow! in your opinion!?! i totally agree with you Matthew
  19. hey babi i see u seeing me LOL. c u tonight xxo

  20. hey i have not commented you in a while now. I just had a shower.. hope you have fun @ Protec! xo

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