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Everything posted by FineLine

  1. Actually no, I dont. given that you conveniently extract quoted me I am going to have some fun with this for as long as I hold the powaaahhhh buttons.
  2. It will be a cold day in hell before I ever put another pos fibreglass front bar on my car regardless of who makes it. I'm over that crap.
  3. It is what it is. They could probably double the price and still fill the field. Its just capitalism at work. As a spectacle it worth every cent. The best collection of wild imports in the southern hemisphere on display make it a not to be missed event on my calender.
  4. Chasing a 33 gtr front bar in good nick, Lip isnt important as long as the bar is ok. Located in Ipswich. anybody?
  5. I'll give that front bar about 2 weeks before it goes to god Kyle.
  6. Useless bitch, Let me drive.
  7. man thats some wierd stuff, I havnt been past page 1 this morning and yet I read all that crap about the cheap manifold on what I thought was this thread. Apologys to Roy and others.
  8. I cant believe this is even a debate. Its a 300 pesos manifold ffs. Nobody in their right mind is going to say its as good as the high end stuff. What it is though is great value for money for the builder on a budget,I used it simply because it was convenient at the time. Pluses outweigh the negatives as far as I'm concerned. A. price B. performance C. durability As the dyno showed all these twats saying angle this and angle that are just that...twats. the manifold flows without restriction, If exhaust gas flowed in the opposite dierection the merge collector would be far more relevant, as it is 6 pipes feed in to the exhaust housing regardless of the shape of the merge. I've run up 5 k on it so far. Its rock solid, no warping cracking leaking or shifting whatsoever. Would I use one on my big engine...No. Plain and simple. Not because I m afraid it wouldnt work, merely because I cant get my head around a cheap job for a high end engine. Bang for buck this is one of the best mods I have done to date.
  9. Defi guages (as do most others) look way too big. There is a market for a quality guage in a smaller diameter to fill this space nicely.
  10. As per our phone chat John, I'll take that tomei pump.
  11. Awesome number Dave, go shred some tyres man.
  12. This man...he knows stuff.
  13. Considering you have removed way more than you actually need to Mike those rumors are a bloody joke.
  14. You wont regret it. I am running 2 of the suckers and together they are quieter than one walbro or bosch.
  15. The gtr is now rolling on 19's. Neta talked me in to trying the new 595 rpm in 285 x19 x 30 and boy am I glad they did. This tyre was developed to take on the high end market with ferarri firmly in their sights according to the info I was given. They tried with the rsr but it is too hardcore for a lot of the genteel folk that buy at that end of the market. (noisy tram tracking sunnofabitch that sticks like shit to a blanket) The 595 rpm is whisper quiet and even in the 285 there is zero tram tracking. The tread pattern is amazing, it looks like about 4 tyres in one with some impressive water channels to boot. Hardness rating is a low 160, the same as the original RSR and only 20 points harder than the new. Pricing falls in between the 595 ss and the rsr with performance far closer to the rsr than the ss and in some areas such as directional stability, noise and wet road it is superior. Early days but I am keen to put some more kays on these puppys, I will add more as I up the anti.
  16. Ans thank you for posting a pic of your car. I'll know to steer clear of that one should ever I be looking to buy another.
  17. sounds normal to me Dave.
  18. Waddya tryin to build up the suspense Dave, spill it already ya beeaartch.
  19. Problem solved. Stuck it on the alignment jig and there were some toe issues. Tracks nicely now.
  20. I'll take the plenum and throttle body's sam. Will call you after work
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