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Everything posted by FineLine

  1. The grange will be fine Simdog. The scc cruise was all abut skylines, This one is all about the members enjoying themselves.
  2. I would love to have shares in a panel shop at lakeside.
  3. Yeah I got it Richie. next time bud
  4. Is there a dodgey midnight mountain run segment ? I do my best work in the dark.
  5. Doesnt look like it but methinks the win at all costs effort at the sprints may have been to bolster the resume in an attempt to attract said sponsors.
  6. Same day as xmas dinner for my work too. What a choice, speend the day with the bunch of tards I'm with all year or go out and have fun in the car followed by a partaaay. No brainer for me.
  7. you freakin rock dude. More power to your right arm.
  8. This crap is getting out of hand. I was cased in my own home recently. I hope something comes of these investigations.
  9. damn! yes its the 10th pete. fixed.
  10. WEEEELLLLLL. I was going to organise a pole on stage to accomodate her Col. Think of the money you could make for mods as her manager.
  11. This event is now locked in for december the 10th. The venue is Lakeside raceway, both the track and the function room. we need to be ready to go on track by 4.30 pm so be there before then. entrys for this event close on the 3rd of december, no exceptions. because of the catering this is not negotiable. After happy laps we will be partaking in a smorgasborde dinner followed by desert. There will be a DJ belting out the toons for those who have happy feet. pricing for this event will be members and partners....25 dollars a head non members.... 50 dollars a head. For the fee you get our usual hap hap happy laps and a 2 course xmas smorgasbord dinner. put your name down now if you are attending. If your name goes on this list you owe us the price wether you attend or not. Sponsors table ERD Dan and Katrina EFI Sean and partner AUDIO EXPRESS Chris and spouse TIME ATTACK Paul and Louise WRAPTURE STYLING Steve and partner Attendees mrbenno Fineline +1 Jason, Bek (kids) Boz Joe + 1 \Sneakipete 2cents +1 Grae 35 + wife Dan B + partner Sabbai + Nat Bunta + impact blue (hopefully) smity42 beelzebub89 (possibly sister) Pear (possible + 1) Willorichie
  12. AWESOME!
  13. So instead of impressing us with your secret squirrel knowledge howbout you contact the op and if he's legit you can pass on the info.
  14. Perhaps you should contact the op and pass on what info you have Chris. I'm all for doing anything (including vigilante) to bring these dirtbags down.
  15. mate if your post is the real deal it is the best bit of news I have heard in a long while. Please keep us posted as to the outcome of your investigations.
  16. yu prolly shuld of let tihs tred doi b4 ti ternz into a sihtfite loik teh larst wun.
  17. Snake.
  18. I would like to talk to him about a shoot on the chair Joe.
  19. hopefully up by tomorrow.
  20. Linky ?
  21. the layout for the day is as follows. meet at aspley hypermarket any time before 9.30 Depart the venue for the cruise at 9.30 Its a scenic route of about an hours duration. Arrive at lakeside raceway Where refreshments food and drinks are available. We will do the raffles and have time to check out each others rides there as well. at 12.30 sharp we will be driving on to the racetrack proper for parade laps and pictures. We have to be off the track by 12.30 for the afternoons racing. Meet back up in the display area and basically bid farewells. It should be an awesome day and we hope to see as many of you there as can make it. Cheers.
  22. John dont think for a minute that its any better on the other side of the fence. We went through even more pain with the garret product, It didn restrict itself to just turbos either, Engine damage every time one went to god. Despite garret admitting their selection process was flawed they were not forthcoming with any recompense other than a discount on th next turbo. I am not defending BW, I was so hoping they would be all that and more just so I could have the satisfaction of telling garret where to put it but there will need to be a lot more water under the bridge before I will be convinced that these turbos are the real deal. Good luck with your car man, Sadly the bitterness will never leave but at least you can get to enjoying it again if you have the perseverance to see it through.
  23. dont need the car wash but I might rock in for a look at your sister.
  24. Darn straight they are Tez.
  25. Twin strombergs?
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