It really was all about drifting russ. Only about a dozen time attack cars turned up but there were shitloads of crab cars there.
Its difficult to put a finger on why the noms were so low for the time attack but I'll offer my opinion and share my experience from the weekend.
On the saturday after bucketloads of rain the night before i headed out for a look and was quite surprised at the setup. No spectators allowed in the pit parking area, They directed us around the back of the track where I paid 25 bucks for a ticket, quite reasonable I thought. I then tried to drive around to the designated spectator area and promptly gave up, It was a Lousianna swamp. I am getting around with the aid of a walking stick atm so no way was I going back out to the main sealed park and then walking all the way around to the back of the track so I went home.
Sunday I persisted and tried again, I spoke to the organiser and explained my dillema and they promptly allowed me to park in the pit area, I was extremely grateful for their willingness to accomodate me, Thank you again to the organisers.
This then highlighted what I felt was wrong with the event, They had set the spec area up out the back because thats where the crabs were doing there thing so it made sense from that perspective but to those like me who were interested in the time attack it was pretty flat. As to why entrys were so low in the time attack I am not sure, Perhaps its because we qlders have time attack laid on by the bucket load and couldnt see the value in what they were asking to participate. I and a lot like me are not trying to win anything when we go to track, We do it for the enjoyment. Besides, competing in the whole track battle deal is way beyond the wherewithall of the average tracker with the other 2 events in Melbourne and perth. It would take some fancy folding and time away to follow the full circuit.
From what I did see the event was well run with plenty of personel on the ground and everything running to a good tight schedule. The mudcrabs looked like they were really enjoying themselves and given they were the majority by a wide margin thats a good thing.
If it were me running the event (and it isnt) I would somehow try and do what other succesful events at qr do. Put everything on the pit side of the track, throw it open to all and create some atmosphere.
Congrats to the promoters for having the balls to have a go and i hope it grows to bigger and better things for you.
Once again a personal thank you for sparing me the journey on foot to the far extremes of the circuit.