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Everything posted by FineLine

  1. Man I wish you were bringing this thing to Jambo.
  2. Who's debating the difference? Call it sprint, time attack, superlap, hillclimb, street sprints Its all the same format. One mad lap dash against the clock. If you enjoy it do it. if you dont. Watch the door on your way out. Without it I doubt we would ever see the standard of cars purposely built for it over the last few years. As already stated there are bugger all opportunitys for skylines in other forms of motor sport unless you're prepared to be hamstrung like duncan where you are giving the opposition a head start based on power to weight etc. Despite my dislike for the drifters being lumped in with the time attackers I hope this series is a roaring success. It can only give us more ops to get on track and help promote more outrageous import builds.
  3. If you spent more on the car instead of mind altering substances you could have been racing by now Fatz.
  4. Yes Yes! Its wonderful sitting on an exposed verandah in single digit temps with a 20 knot wind blowing whilst eating ice cream.
  5. The old sports adage is forever true, The only way to get good at something is by doing it. You want to go sideways, practice it. You want to keep a car straight, practice it. Even doing the latter you'll see all the sideways action you can handle as you explore the limits. Throwing someones name out there as an example means jack shit. He may well have been a good circuit driver regardlss of wether he went kiddy skidding or not. Yes at least they do learn car control whilst drifting motor khana, skidpan or whatever. What that has to do with kiddyskidding and time attack being lumped in the one event buggers me.
  6. Jet you are only reinforcing what I said. It failed because sponsors withdrew...why...because kiddy skidders dont buy product. look for them ferreting through the industrial bin at your locl bob jane store for tyres. Hunt up the zip tie manufacturers for drift sponsorship. Theres a product they do buy. Time attack in my part of the world certainly doesnt need the involvement of kiddyskidders to be succesful. It goes from strength to strength as witnessed by the number of radical builds that have appeared in the se qld corner in the last few years. The only people who see the need to combine the 2 are those trying to make a buck. Short sightedness imo. They are 2 very different demographics as witnessed by superlap having to change their programme to show a much more defined demarcation between the two disciplines. rightly or no drifters have bugger all appeal to anyone other than their fully sik mates, The drift spectators you refer to at superlap were made up largely of people who had already paid at the gate to attend the event. If you were to ask them why they went and sat on the hill to watch the skidders 9 times out of 10 the answer wouls simply be "because it was there". They certainly didnt spend plenty to travel interstate with all the ensuing costs to watch the kids slide. They did just that to watch time attack on the other hand. I stand by my original statement. Short term gain for long term loss. Mixing the 2 will never improve the status of drifters but will drag time attackers down as potential sponors see the 2 being lumped under the one banner.
  7. I would seriously consider using a 1.06 rear housing on the 35 r. Even using e85 we could not keep the turbo in one piece with the .82 rear. Just too much heat at that power level.
  8. Another myth shot down. That pump is junk mike. Return to sender.
  9. Being dead doesnt mean you werent a sea hunt. Sif waste money to see a doco on an idiot.
  10. Gee! Imagine indicating left to turn left...Whodathunkit.
  11. Thats excactly where they break. compared to any other oil pump, stocker included, there is bugger all meat in areas around the edge of the outer gear.
  12. I shudder at the thought of having to negotiate the combo of hook turns and trams. Who in their right mind came up with the idea of pulling over to the left to turn right.
  13. You'll blow the arse off a 35r at 900 degrees mate. trust me I know.
  14. If thats the one with the caddy on the roof we had breakfast there each morning. Was pretty good too.
  15. Yeah but it's been well documented on the forum that you're gay.
  16. Sounds like a damn fine idea to me. Duncans car handles bloody brilliantly but is as slow as xmas in a straight line. This could be just the ticket for guys like him.
  17. A lot of the skylines I'm familiar with at time attack/sprints wont qualify because of the limit to body/guaard mods.
  18. Yeah its sorta like watching a cage full of monkeys at the zoo Terry.
  19. And over priced. simple answer, I'll take my own next time.
  20. The tube frame issue is going to be an ongoing bone of contention until the promotor lays down some hard and fasts. I dont have an opinion on it either way as I know bugger all about it but it needs to be nipped in the bud before it becomes a major issue. How long will it be before there is a major rule shakeup, what we are seeing now is a repeat of what has happenned in other forms of motor sport right from the top down. Cars became so powerful and fast it became a health hazard to drive them. Its only a matter of time before we start seeing 1000 plus hp setups if time attack conitnues at its current rate of development.
  21. How do you cheat when there are basically no rules. Other than a nitrous setup Which should be detectable to a scrutineer there are no limitations to engine mods to my knowledge. As for tyres, if a tyre maker offerred me some secret squirrel donuts not available to the competition that would give me an edge in that department you can bet your heiny I would take them. I'll lay london to a brick that a lot of the top compeitors have their dirty little secrets they are unwilling to share with anybody.
  22. Apparently Mark shaped the floor of the 34 to fit the contour of the eastern creek ripple strips perfectly.
  23. I replaced all the sensors in Mine Rich. I wouldnt trust the old oem stuff.
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