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Everything posted by FineLine

  1. Or one of Paul Ruzzic's engine moniters that I use. I have the series one verson of it and it gives readouts on oil pressure, oil temp, water temp, intake temp and boost as well as shift lights and high low warning light and siren for all the above. The new one he is working on atm will do the whole 9 yards and then some includint gps for time splits, sector times etc with full logging capability and will cost way less than the imported stack dash and others.
  2. Couldnt agree more mate. Strangely enough I think the gtr ticks all thos boxes and then adds another dimension in performance and handling.
  3. So you're the one who give the manufacturers the criteria for the building of super cars.
  4. Bingo on both counts. Someone gets it.
  5. A set of billet gears is a worthy investment. I've seen good results from them. I cant advise you what oil restriction setup works for the neo as I've had no experience with it. You still need an oil supply to drive the vct but unlike the 33 head you dont have to feed hydraulic lifters. Surely someone on here has had experience with this setup.
  6. They are no good period Simon. Particularly if you are a slider.The constant banging on the limiter will crack the gear as sure as theres shit in a cat. The last few i saw fail all had the snout extension in place.
  7. Agree with Harry. Senna looked spectacular becuase he drove beyond the limit. It was always going to look spectacular but in no way indicated that he was some super talent head and shoulders above the rest of the pack. His career was always going to be a short one and thankfully he didnt end other driver's careers in the process of plastering his arse all over the fence.
  8. The best advice anyone here could give you would be to avoid the n1 oil pump like aids.
  9. Short term gain for long term loss. Drifting failed largely because of the demographics it appeals to. Sponsors arent interested in swapping product for cracked fish tanks and broken pocket bikes to flat cappers with spastic hands. (see every photo of Mad mike in the sl thread) It may bring a few extra people to an event but in the long term it will keep a few away too. Like it did to their own series to the point it failed.
  10. LOL! you may well be right. Truth is i dont mind watching it either and regularly go to the local track to watch the kiddy skidders tear it up and destroy a few more imports. I simply dont see the need to combine the 2. Time attack is just starting to blossom (outside of qld) and i dont think combining the 2 is in the best interests of time attack in the long term.
  11. Why do the promotors of both this and superlap feel the need to incorporate kiddy skidders in their programme. The average time attacker is about as interested in mudcrabs as the kennedy family are in guns. If drifting is so good why cant it stand on its own 4 wheels, Oh wait....they tried that.
  12. The tyre manufacturers are a classic example of development in this form of motor sport. These super soft gumballs being used by the top competitors are not being developed for the Le mans 24 hour enduro style events. yoko, hankook and others are spending considerable coin to build a better mouse trap for the sole purpose of mad one lap dash events like time attack. Hill climb is about the only other form of motorsport run on a similar format but I dont believe they are restricted to the semi slick formula.
  13. The "pit crew" seem to have as many bolt on modifications as the car.
  14. Good to see some results starting to trickle through. And Baron, fertile women were meant to have twins, Not skylines. If the bw singles perform as promised with earler spool times etc it will only be the diehards that run twins in the long term.
  15. I like the idea of limiting the number of tyres available but the idea of a compound limitation could be a hindrance in the lower classes being a feeder to the higher end of town. It certainly wouldnt concern me simply because us poorer folk will never have the wherewithall to race against those guys but I am sure there were cars at sl this year that would have lost lots if the compound limit was introduced.
  16. Wow! He uses all the road and then some John. Hot lap
  17. Unless its sprints you might get protests from other competitors having to run door to door with blades sticking half a metre out of each side of the car.
  18. The same could be said of you and your dislike of certain ecu's so STFU and go tune the ones you like.
  19. Another option would be too cut the number of sessions for the pro guys and increase the sessions for the open and clubman cars. Its obvious the pro cars cant utilise all the time they are given but the other guys would relish more track time.
  20. I can think of a couple of cars in the open class that wouldnt be out of place in Pro Ben.
  21. Mega fan of that scorch car Harry. It not only went like shit off a shovel it looked tuff as goats knees to boot.
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