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Everything posted by FineLine

  1. The problem of not enough action in the pro class could be solved easily by simply inviting more cars to compete. There was never any shortage of action in the open and clubman class but there were sessions in pro when for a lot of the time there were zero cars on track. With more competitors it would mean more action for the paying public.
  2. Man I wish you every success in the world. Its a tough nut for sure. And as for that Baron, He needs watchin that one.
  3. LOL. I'll be more considerate next time. P'raps thats why you ignored me when I was trying to be heard above the pa while you were standing in the grandstand when russ came out for his last go round in the 32.
  4. 100% agree on all counts Ben. The average super lap attendee was a dedicated enthuisast there to see some of the best time atack cars and drivers in the world. bad behaviour was practically non existent and if they can clean up the pa deal it will serve to make a fabulous event even better. You are spot on about the pa noise being the most tiring part of the day. It got to the point where i started to cringe in readiness for the audio onslaught when the cars crossed the line.
  5. I dont recall anybody calling the product crap. If they get it sorted i have no doubt it will be the best thing since sliced bread. Particularly after speaking to people who have had limited experience with it. Whats out there may be prototypes to you but these turbos were released at sema 8 months ago. Key word being "released" albeit prematurely as it turns out. I've had my say on it. Lets wait and see if and when they get it on the pile.
  6. The pa system is a big part of the problem. for sure it is junk. most of the people attending the event are genuine enthusiasts unlike f1 or even v8 supercars where it can be seen to be fashionable to be there regardless of wether you are a fan or not. 90% of the attendees were there for time attack but 90% of the yak over the pa was about drifting, mad mike this and mad mike that blah blah etc etc. mad mike is just another kiddyskidder with a pos rotor who's major contribution was idling around the pits annoying the shit out of everyone by constantly blipping the throttle much to the delight of the dozen 16 year old flat cappin fan boys that followed it around like a bitch on heat. Screaming out the lap time at the top of their voice as the cars crossed the line on full throttle only contributed to the dodgey pa system in creating a total skullf**k of obnoxious noise. It was impossible to hear a lap time and when there were quiet times instead of giving us a run down on the lap times they started screaming about mad mike and friends all over again. We are not kids looking to be pumped up with a constant barrage of screaming drivel, we are enthusuasts genuinely interested in the main show. The quiet times could best be served by giving us detailed info on lap times etc so we could actually hear who did what to who. (end of rant)
  7. If you can afford hundreds of them then it isnt going to be a problem to you. perhaps you should invest in bw and assist in developing the product to a reliable state given you are such a fanboi. Call us what you will, you are what we call dickhead simply because you are so blinded by the shiny bits that any form of criticism is seen as an all out assault on the product. If and when the turbo is offerred as the original blurb outlined I will definitely look closer at purchasing it. Until then this has been one of the worst new product release campaigns I ever saw.
  8. One can only assume you're "not concerned" because its not your hard earned that goes up in smoke when a turbo fails. Its fine and noble to say bw will replace any turbo that fails but does that include replacing the mega dollar engines that can suffer as a result of the failure or is that simply "colateral damage" A hater I am not, knowing some of the people posting in this thread neither are they. We were not the one's unleashing the "next big thing" in to an eager and unsuspecting market. With a name like bw most of us assumed this product would live up to expectations, quality control would be exemplary And delivery would be in a reasonably timey manner. To date results are rare as robot shit, quality control is obviously up the creek and we wont even mention delivery. The "hate" as you call it is born out of frustration as people like myself seek viable options to what is currently available only to be let down by all of the above. If I were bw I would withdraw the product from the market place until r&d was completed and the product was readily available to the customer. They are not doing themselves any favors by selling limited numbers of half arsed products.
  9. Whats your area of expertise Rich, Public relations?
  10. Whats all this "we" this and "we" that Baron. The only thing I saw you do all weekend was stand around like a spare prick at a wedding.
  11. They did a comparison between the best sports sedans, the best bikes and the best time attack cars and there was less than a second between them at the creek.
  12. Dont sell yourself short Mark. To get within a second of one of the worlds best time attack drivers with your limited track time was one of the most amazing feats of the weekend. It augers well for both you and the car.
  13. A little birdy told me he counted more than that in the sierra sierra spare parts box.
  14. Some of it on show here Ben. http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=754055
  15. Those promo girls will never be the same. They have experienced old man magic. Superlap was totally off the chain. More aero than F18 hornets and blistering times in all classes. Rotors dropping their guts everywhere (apex seals out) Fires, more quick times, Protests, more quick times. and so on ad infinitum. The aero package on Cootes S13 was done by the same dude that did marks. the Cootes car looked ridiculously stupid but boy, did it haul arse. It was a pity the sierra evo shat a head gasket and couldnt pony up for the last session, They were promising something special. Highlight for me was confirmation of what I though last year when I left. The silvia platform is the way to go for a rwd time attack car. Mark was impressive given the amount of time he had to try and dial the car in, My last convo with him finished with him walking off mutterring something about finishing the damn car and not turning up underdone again. Bring it Berry boy, we want to see it. The 35 gtrs were damn impressive, I think the writing is on the wall. Enjoy it while you can Emo's A new king is waiting in the wings. Solving the weight problem is going to be the key. Much better event than last year thanks to pissing the kiddy skidders off to outside hours. The announcers were shit, I kicked their bloody door until they opened it and told them to stfu while the cars were crossing the line because we couldnt here the times over the engines. (would rather listen to the engines anyhoos) Rotors are not capable of making enough power reliably to win at the creek. They might shine on smaller tighter tracks but on a big flowing circuit like that they are outgunned. The pan car learned from last year but was still at least 100 hp shy of what it needed to get the job done. Pump up the boost to get it right and they drop their guts. Pistons rule. Tuffest looking cars were the scorch S13 and the other FD mazda that looked like a gt500 car. It ran low 30's too. Met a heap of sauers for the first time, Baron, Marlin, russman and others. Only 364 days till the next Superlap, Bring it.
  16. The motul thing is interesting Mark. I used chrono v exclusively until we tuned on e85 when we were advised by motul that their oil was not compatible with the fuel.
  17. Check your in box Ben.
  18. I use a genuine Greddy coupled to a 30 mil phonelic spacer. The added runner length fixes up the low midrange and purely from a looks point of view the greddy shits all over the plazmaman. The tuner also commented on how even my cylinder temperatures were as well. Even distribution will do that.
  19. Only 2 more sleeps and Its a roady to sydney for me. cyall down there. Keen as hell to see the latest giant upgrades, Mark and Russ never fail to deliver.
  20. keep it that way please Ben.
  21. You're referring to me arent you.
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