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Everything posted by FineLine

  1. Just another example of how big business never believes the poor consumer. My brick was totally innocent of your outrageous allegation. bot. If the turbs failed it failed, regardless of curcumstance. I've been around long enough to know these things happen and I certainly wouldnt judge the product on a couple of early problems. Time will bear out wether the product is as good as Borg Warners hype. I hope it is. Garret have had it their own way for far too long.
  2. So let me get this straight. The house brick I bought with dodgey 3 dollar notes was hit by a moon module but I may still get warrantay because it had a faulty casting.
  3. There was a fault with the casting Rich, I am looking for a new source.
  4. so why is it so damn hard to say the turbo failed. I had 4 garrets fail and joy of joys they took out 3 motors along the way. Do I hate the product, No. I do hate the fact that garrets turbo selection process is as flawed as the 3 dollar notes I just made. Any negativity people will harbour toward borg warner will vanish like smoke once concrete results are forthcoming and, from my dealings with both Mark and Russ neither of them pull their shots. If its shit they will say so, If its shithot it will be on their car and their times will say so. And yes Nismoid, of course I was pullin the piss, that joke has been around longer than me, You pricks dont have enough memory cells to think back that far.
  5. Manley are a very old established and trusted name in the high performance world. Been around forever, Or as long as I can recall and thats longer than most on here.
  6. I have one in that size. Its just a basic open face but you are welcome to use it. I will being it along.
  7. It had an electrical problem. The piston came through the side of the block and punched a hole in the battery.
  8. Is it based on the rd28 diesel crank ?
  9. So basically a custom everything Steve. I'll stay with the forklift variant.
  10. Old man in wheelchair is in.
  11. Question answered, Thanks Pigz.
  12. You'll have to pardon my ignorance here, What is the standard 26 bore ? The line of questioning is going down the path to ascertain if a 2.8 kit could be punched out to 2.9 or thereabouts which would go as neas as hell to giving you the 3 litre without the grief.
  13. So these 2.8 stroker kits are built on a standard bore ?
  14. Is there any real benefit to a 2.8 kit. a 26 will bore to 2.7 so it seems like an awful lot of coin to tip in for an extra 100cc's ?
  15. By posting it on a public forum you made it a concern of every body who cares to read it. Dont misinterpret what i said. I for one hope it works above and beyond. Its about time something reasonably priced came from japan. Given they manufacture bugger all and just rebrand other well known products Then add the jap tax. its about time something like this came along.
  16. Seriously Nick, what other motivation could there be other than the dollar factor for choosing this stroker kit over the others mentioned. On paper it would appear to be an inferior crankshaft to the the other kits mentioned so unless they derive their 2.8 capacity from a slightly different bore stroke combo that is more suitable to your application ...or, You have your lips firmly around the appendage of someone from hks I fail to see how anybody looking to make 600 plus hp could even consider this kit over the likes of the nitto or tomei or the higher specced hks jobs.
  17. On a more pleasing note it would appear they have realised the stupidity of dragging people through court for a bov. Quite a few members have been nabbed lately but only given a minor defect notice.
  18. Said solution involves driving around in patrol as daily. Chicks hate that.
  19. It was a really great day, perfect weather and full fields. Lots of sau peeps and a few potential new members. The Berry/Newmann crew were still turning spanners and did not make it. Here's hoping they will gitrdone in time for S/L. Hoards of Evo's including mick sigworths S/L entrant in the arvo awd shootout made for some great watching. Bring on Eastern Creek.
  20. Hmmm. you have me wondering now. He was muttering something about woos or wooster or somethin.
  21. I wont say that Ben but, he was crouched against the pit wall in the pheotal position with his thumb in his mouth when i left.
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