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Everything posted by FineLine

  1. Spent the morning watching the handbrake 35 doing shakedown runs at qr this morning. The performance potential of the car is obvious. Once its sorted it is going to be blindingly fast. The snowman turned up in his new snowmobile and did a few tentative laps. That car sounds pure porn.
  2. Oops! Missed this. sorry Dale. yeah I'm having a punt mate. Trying out the new feddy semi's for the first time.
  3. I feel your pain. I had a small paint blemish about the size of a pin head on the underside of the drivers side rear pod. If you got down on your knees you could just see it. I felt terrible driving around with it there.
  4. Ahhh.fwiw mine is still performing flawlessly. Bout due another bleed though.
  5. You nearly looked weak last night. I predict you will be sick by tuesday.
  6. If their thieves are anything like ours the pub will be the best place to find parts. Roy.
  7. Drugs are bad mmm,kay
  8. 58 kw's ya say. hmmmmm...I'm afraid.
  9. LOL! thats some funny shit. No! I dont wanna swap. I've had my mirrors blown off by these pricks before.
  10. Dont feel too bad Snowy. I ran a best of high 57 a while back and this field has relegated me to group c. Gotta have a wry smile at that.
  11. GROUP A black 34 gtr...52.8 gunmetal 35gtr...53.27 white evo ix...53.96 carbon 35gtr... black 35gtr....55.63 black 32gtr... black 35gtr....56.55 yellow rx7 fd3 ls2 v8...55.97 black gt2....56.15 white porsche cup car...54.34 radical sr8...51.65 white s14...56.48 red 32gtr...cant read the mm message on the phone. A couple more there as well that didnt fit in the message. Smokin hot field.
  12. When a 56.4 doesnt get you in to group A you know its a hard core field. This is going to be the wildest time attack ever.
  13. Sif white wheels. Gold coast real estate salesman much.
  14. I agree Duncan. We, along with parts of the usa and britain embraced the ethos of japanese time attack to a greater degree than the rest of the country as evident by the big dollar builds and the popularity of the time attack/sprint series we run up here.
  15. How can you compare a tube chassied mid engine sports cars on slicks the size of 44 gallon drums to cars built on factory chassis runnig r type compound. If they couldnt beat a time attack car they should hang their head in shame. And either I am blind or the sports sedans I am thinkig of have more aero than a 747.
  16. Why the hate. noone ever said they were the fastest cars on the planet. Time attack is simply another form of motorsport That a lot of pople on this forum and others enjoy immensely. I bet a gt500 with r compound tyres would smack the shit outta those sports sedans too....oh wait.
  17. No probs Nod. I'll think of you workin away while I'm out there having a terrible time.
  18. thats a shame nod. Lakeside is a better track there is no doubt about that but if you want to see the gun cars you need to be at qr. lakeside noise restrictions mean you never get to see the field that attends qr. some of them are mega hp cars too so what better place to watch them stretch their legs than the paper clip. Me, Ill run any track any time. A bad day at qr still beats a good day at work.
  19. I agree. Its good practice for future reference eh Smitz.
  20. Our job as a club is to educate the driver. Yes he appears to have over stepped the boundary but if we crucify him we only serve to ostricize him and theres another loose cannon on the street to give us a bad name. I dont know the driver but if he is willing to become a bit more involved I am sure he and we can all benefit from learning how to play with others in a safe enjoyable manner. On another note. There is no crying at happy laps because somebody held you up. This is not Le mans or Bathurst. Some of these people have never been on a track before, They become self absorbed in what they are doing and lose awareness of whats happenning around them. Experience is the only teacher and happy laps is the first step toward gaining experience. As I have always told you, Happy laps is not the end game it is the beginning. I have already noted the track etiquitte of those who now have more than one happy laps under their belt has improved markedly so it is working. It is the responsibility of the more experienced trackers to point out to the newcomers what they did wrong and how best to make it better next time. I believe we should do a post briefing as well as a pre briefing and air these issues on the spot while they are still fresh in our minds. None of us should be above criticism either. regardless of who you are if someone feels you were out of order it should be raised and dealt with so as to either prevent or give some understanding as to why who did what when. I dont want our club to be the first to be told dont come back so lets get it right. According to the raceway peeps we are in no fear of that happenning at this stage so lets keep it that way. All in all another fantastic day as evident by the smiles and laughter over the meal.
  21. Cheers man. Both those 32's looked fat az.Love the colour of yours, What is it ?
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