1. I am not young but regardless, any performance car is expensive to insure for a younger driver.
2. A hundai is an import too and costs far less to maintain and service than any holden or falcon. Other than the higher end oil (which I would and do use in all my vehicles) service costs are the same as any 6 cylinder vehicle.
3.I have no desire to carry 4 adult passengers or 1 unmarried bogan slart with 5 kids to 5 different fathers hence that is not a consideration.
4. This is a given with any car other than a pos. The guy with the new falcadore will be just as pissed as the guy with the skyline if nana side swipes him in a car park
5. Another furfy. Have you seen my car. I doubt there is a higher profile car out there from a visual aspect. I have not been pulled over in 4 and 1/2 years. Now go to the vl forums and ask the same question.
6. I dont know where to start. Every vehicle I own or have owned gets the same treatment (other than a mazda bongo van I owned years ago) In my family there are 2 maximas, 1 patrol a pulsar and my skyline. They all recieve the same attention mechanically'
You are basing your point of view on a flawed argument. In mainstream your arguments may well be valid but in a dedicated skyline forum dont you think most owners have already considered all the above.