I took the 33 to the whaleweigh station last week and found out its not a whale at all. Its a big fat pig. 1565 kilo full wet with me on board. Knock off 100 kg for me and its still a lard arse.
I was hoping for around 100 kg given the amount of stuff I've thrown out plus the full alloy gtr front end but when you add up what you put back it makes sense.
Steel 6 point cage, extra bracing, 30 bottom end, big brakes all round, surge tank and pump setup, even the hotside with the bigger turbo, himount and gate setup weighs heaps more than the standard item, bigger cooler, catch can etc. the list goes on.
Short of going full track spec and ripping it apart there's not a great deal I can do to get it down much further.
I am considering tossing out the alsd and all related hardware such as pump reservoir and lines etc so there would be a saving there but to keep it street legit theres not much more I can do.