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Everything posted by FineLine

  1. The front splitter is copping a helluva workout in pic 8.
  2. I wonder what effect this will have on julia gilamonster's proposed carbon tax.
  3. [Watch your backs ladys. Import driving dangerous hoons will no doubt get the blame for the road carnage of the last couple of days. There will be a crackdown fo sho.
  4. I rang them and couldnt get any sense out of them regards the o3g's Ben. I hope you have more luck.
  5. Any truth to the rumor you are changing from the blue footy jumper to a pink dress.
  6. Dan fitted one to strike3r's 26 mike. replaced a to4z. They seem pretty happy with it but hopefully Dan will read this and give you the guff.
  7. I went from a 100 cell cat to a single cell cat and it made a big diffeence.
  8. you and your stops, Harden up and drive straight through Dave. Saves on accomodation.
  9. You're just a candy arse diffy, Get out there and sum foolly sik skidz moite.
  10. Did an oil change on the chair. All the vitals are very healthy. Lovin it.
  11. I've been living with a 4.8 for 4 years now. Fuel was an issue but a set of headers a good exhaust an ecu and a tune made the world of difference. It gets used and abused on a daily basis and nothing but nothing stops it. Problems, there arent any. performance, nothing better than dusting an f250 while your towing a trailer. Their pissed off look is priceless. In a word they're bomb proof. negatives are few. Seats arent the greatest. the auto is a bit too willing to change up a gear at times. given the grunt the thing has it doesnt need to but it does anyway. Not the most refined vehicle out there but by far the most reliable and robust of any in that market segment.
  12. Never own an ugly car. The evo looks like something from an animated cartoon show compared to any of the rb skylines. I couldnt give a fig if it held the bonneville record. Its ugly as a bucket of busted crabs.
  13. sitin here gigglin like a guilty schoolboy Richo. That 32 would put a boner on a jellyfish.
  14. You win the prize.
  15. I would say no chance until at least next week mike. I will be voicing my displeasure. A day lost, 3 hours of dyno time, full tank of e85 all for no result. Not happy Jan,
  16. Not really Lith. seeing 3 lb of pressure in the dump at around 5000 rpm. Bit pissed off with my piper atm. when we had the 35r on the car he built a 4 inch dump. now we have the 37/88 he goes and shoves a 3&1/2 inch pipe on it. I mentioned it to him at the time but he seemed to think it would'nt matter. WRONG!. He's getting a visit this morning. Oh! and for what its worth Lith it cranked out 530 hp @ 17 lb.
  17. P'raps you should build yourself an rb 20 Richard, imagine how wide your power band would be. (they sound orright too) That an engine with a 10,500 rpm limit can be setup with a wider power band than an engine with an 8,500 rpm limit isnt really rocket science, That the 30 shifts the power band approx 1000 rpm lower is the whole idea of the excercise. Similar overall power and greater torque levels at lower rpm is what motivates most 30 builds that I know of. Its the old street v track thing. the odd fang to 10500 rpm on the street has none of the perils of a track engine costantly seeing those numbers. Whilst I hero worship the berry cars along with near everyone who has seen them in action They sound like arse to me. the whole idea of a screamer pipe leaves me scratching my head as to why anybody would want their car to sound like an xb falcon with blown exhaust gaskets when for the sake of plumbing it back they can have the sweet note of a hot rb.
  18. Fail! 3&1/2 inch dump is restricting. New dump on the way. Do it all again. sigh....
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