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Everything posted by FineLine

  1. Thats not the plan Dave. Mid 500 hp has always been the goal. What we are trying to achieve here is that figure on as low a boost and revs as is attainable.
  2. I'm trying to get weight out of it rolls. If it were a streeter only I would consider that option though.
  3. At this stage its e85 only Mike, However the way it drinks the stuff I may be forced to run a separate 98 unleaded tune. I renamed the car "sugar daddy"
  4. Sensor was ordered from south this morning Steve. should get here monday/tuesday. As soon as Sean has a spare spot he will throw it back on the rollers. I think he's quite keen to see where this goes as well.
  5. Correct Lith, it is a twin scroll setup. I keep looking up sleeves for hidden cards but at this stage it is showing remarkedly similar boost characteristics to the 35r single entry. Its only running gate spring pressure at this stage but until the gate starts open on spring pressure the curve is identical. Waiting on a wide band sensor to arrive and then we'll hook the boost control up and go to town on it. Pretty happy budgie so far.
  6. Theread revival time. back on the dyno yesterday for some preliminary work and promptly spat out 450 hp at 13 lb.Serious time gets serious next week. I think I'm gonna love the new turbo.
  7. North meets west. great to see you guys rock up at br tonight. The westys will have to return the favor soon.
  8. Must be some rich carnts out there. Wipin there arse on hunzy bills isnt excactly poor mans turf.
  9. Heres a list of the venues I know Jay. circuits....Qld race way Ipswich. Lakeside raceway, Lakeside North bris. Morgan park raceway, warwick. Drag strip. Willowbank, Ipswich Hill climb. Mt cotton and Noosa. Skidpan. Mt cotton Ans so on etc etc. Do you see a pattern here. To my knowledge there are no venues on the goldy and theres bugger all we can do about it. If its any consolation you have one of the best roads in the state to get to bris and in a lot of cases you are at least as close to the venues as brisbanites anyhoos. I live in Ipswich so the willowbank complex is handy for me but you can get to lakeside, and mt cotton etc at least as fast as I can from where you are. You have some of the best cruising roads in the state in your own back yard. The hinterland is a maze of nice driving scenic roads. You also have one of the most popular car hangout joints at the spit. Any given sunday sees a virtual parade of nice machinery cruising down that way. Look around and make the most of what you have locally and join us when and where it suits for good times.
  10. Sadly for the brand names you have specified you are not going to find them much (if any) cheaper.
  11. From a sauqld perspective there wont be a "next meetup" What individual members do is their own affair but the club as a whole will not be making representation to this group again. For those people from the area interested in keeping it in their pants The club runs a host of events where you can go nuts without risk of becoming tomorrow nights news item. You know where to find us if you're interested.
  12. Dont lose any sleep over it Chris. We're cruising for the enjoyment of it mate.
  13. List updated . Fineline 2. Sneakey pete 3.alloskylineallo 4.Boz 5.Skylinestyle101 6.mr. Benno 7.Rhinorebel 8.SPR34 9.fik 10.SABBAi 11.PWND 12.RBNRG 13. Skylinestyle101 14.damit 15. Danb 16. nismo1 17.ezy45 18. Link international x 2 19. HR31_RB30DET 20. Sneki81 21, sinistagtr plus 2
  14. list updated 1. Fineline 2. Benno 3. Beelzebub 89 4. RBNRG 5. sneakey pete 6. SPR34 7. v8skylineman Plus beck. 8. bunta plus Impact blue 9. traditimeour (maybe) 10. ezy34 11. 2cents 12. alloskylineallo 13. grae35 14. Joe 14. Dan B 15. Shop pi 16. skylinestyle101 17. si (maybe) 18. R33eddy (maybe) 19. Milan 20. Smity42 21. One of the owners of the pub who drives an E63 amg 22. Spilmer 23. IanB 24. grimi 26. SABBAi 27. Jarryd in his 180sx
  15. What is the best guestimate projected weight once its all said and done Mark ?
  16. Updtaed list 1. Fineline 2. Benno 3. Beelzebub 89 4. RBNRG 5. sneakey pete 6. SPR34 7. v8skylineman Plus beck. 8. bunta plus Impact blue 9. traditimeour (maybe) 10. ezy34 11. 2cents 12. alloskylineallo 13. grae35 14. Joe 14. Dan B 15. Shop pi 16. skylinestyle101 17. si (maybe) 18. R33eddy (maybe) 19. Milan 20. Smity42 21. One of the owners of the pub who drives an E63 amg 22. Spilmer 23. IanB 24. grimi
  17. He sticks his hand out the window and changes the angle for variable pitch. Foolly sik bra.
  18. You're welcome Daniel, Hope to see you there.
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