You aint seen nuthin yet Brandon, the plan for the club is saturation events and saturation membership. We cant have one without the other.
If we can get the membership to the point it should be we can crank out an event around every 2 weeks and it wont matter if people cant attend them all because there will be enough members to make it work.
Tell every one you know the winds of change are blowing in the sauqld club and we need as many as we can get to maximmize the fun factor.
The first few events are already posted and after tonights exec meeting there will be more to follow.
We are looking to introduce local skidpan, motorkhana, Shownshine, and interstate roadtrips among others, If we all pull together we can make it work.
We plan to draw from the greater s.e. corner from the tweed border to the sunshine coast and out to Toowoomba and even further if people are prepared to travel.
The train is rollin, Get on board.