1. Watch the damn road.
2. Keep your hands and feet on the controls at all times, NO MATTER WHAT EVEN IF YOU GET SHOT.
3. Use your f**ken blinkers THEN, look at your rear view mirror and side mirror, check your blind spot, check all lanes incase someone is also changing lanes into the same position as you THEN change lanes. You have now idea how many f**ken idiots cant do that.
4. Learn to park in every position possible and keep doing it until you get it right every f**ken time.
5. Take an advanced driving course. Its worth every dollar.
6. Watch a good driver drive and memorize what they are doing.
7. Dont follow people too closely, you must see their tyres in contact with the ground at all times.
8. The steering wheel is for steering not looking around, i see people swerve side to side to try and see infront, just look through the persons windscreen in front of you.
9. Learn to drive manual, auto is for dumb c**ts.
10. Dont use your gears to slow down, you dont see race car drivers use the gears to slow down, they down shift to keep revs up while slowing down with their BRAKES.
11. Handbrake is only used when the car is parked or when your front brakes fail.
12. Dont try to go fast in a shit car. If its not a sports car, dont drive it like one. I see too many dumb mofo's in ford lasers and toyota corollas and other crap cars driving as if they are performance cars.
13. Dont talk on your mobile phone in any way shape or form until you have 5 years driving experience.
14. When your driving, thats all you f**king do, dont eat, do yawn, dont close your eyes, dont change radio stations, just f**king drive. When you stop at a red light, then you can change radio stations or turn on your air con or whatever.
15. Dont be nervous.
16. Have fun.