i wasnt going to say anything BUT i had too get it off my chest so that others may benefit, on the 9th of january 2007, 10.30 pm, on busy stacey street, 3 guys decided to chase me because they were "hanging out" outside thier mates car and didnt want to move so i beeped at them he decided it would be good to chase me and cut me off, in which i moved and lost control on the grass , hitting a fence, causing 3500 bucks woth of damage, mind you i didnt have full insurance at the time couldnt afford it, i didnt catch the blokes number plate because he broke both my mirrors and my rear view mirror didnt catch him , by the time i turned around he was gone, AND I CANT BELIEVE THAT I SWERVED AT AND ALMOST HIT 3 CARS, AND NOT ONE f**kING PERSON DECIDED TO CALL THE COPS TO TELL THEM EITHER MY OR THE ASSHOLE WHO CUT ME OFF's NUMBER PLATE, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE I COULD OF BEEN KILLED AND/OR KILLED MANY OTHERS IN OTHER CARS..............................
2 weeks later my cousin is coming over to pick me up so we can go watch some racing, some dude in a jeep decides to go up on the footpath, accidently knocking down an elderly man WITH HIS f**kING JEEP, the dude didnt even get out of the jeep to see what he had done, NOT ONE PERSON DECIDED TO GO AFTER THIS PERSON TO GET THIER NUMBER PLATE OR ANYTHING and my cousin was 3 cars behind, my cousin, having the same mentality as me, and also having a fast VL, chased this kunt, called the cops and gave em his number plate. NOW THATS HOW PEOPLE SHOULD BE. if someone had done that for me, maybe i would have the 3500 still in my pocket now, So PLEASE PEOPLE IF YOU SEE ANYTHING WRONG SUCH AS THESE CASES CALL THE COPS, ITS NOT SNITCHING, DONT BE A BiTCH AND TELL SOMEONE ABOUT IT. thanks for reading. im sure
btw, if u ever wonder why theres so many questions coming out of this account, many ppl use it.