The reason most of the advice was negative is because what you have done is wrong. You've basically stated that you didn't want to pay up at the time for screwing someone over, the insurance companies have compensated them thankfully, AND THEN you went and bought an R33 EVEN THOUGH you still owed money for the consequences of your actions. You'll find bugger all sympathy here mate, some drunk woman bent my door in and F*$ked the passenger side of my car and didn't have insurance. It took me a month to get MY insurance company to pay for the damages and even longer for them to wave the excess for me.
People like you annoy the hell outta me and a lot of other people on here will agree, I didn't buy my R33 till I was 25, because I couldn't really afford to insure it and look after it, I accepted that and drove round in a lancer for awhile, fully insured. You need to perhaps realise that you can't really afford the car yet, sell it, buy a car with full insurance and drive that till you're older and more mature and also more financially stable. Ask yourself this, what if you'd hit a mercedes or BMW, what would you owe the insurance company then?
Grow up.