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Miss Niz

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About Miss Niz

  • Birthday 25/01/1983

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  • Location
    Gold Coast

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  • Car(s)
    Liberty, VT Wagon
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  1. Spotted JEZ42 parked at the Zone Oxley about half an hour ago. My Liberty (73ENA) was parked just across from yours in front of subway...
  2. You can just go on the qld transport website and re-order a sticker on there... No charge... Much easier than sitting around for an hour in qld transport or being on hold on the phone for about the same time...
  3. Shame i couldn't cruise with you all, as i had prior commitments, but it was a great turn out as always. I showed up at the Yatala meet to catch up with a few old mates and made my donation to the worthy cause. Was sad, but great to see my ol' 34 out there and looking fantastic as always... I feel much better knowing she's gone to a good home and i think after Lisa's efforts of cleaning her and being so heavily pregnant, she should have deserved to win the show and shine
  4. I was going to hitch a ride with my brother (or just take off with his 31 coupe), but i didn't realise that we had already organised to meet with our minister to do wedding stuff that day. I may make it to the Yatala meet to stop by and say hi. Yeah i sold her back in April i think it was She's gone to a very good home though - Rhinorebel's missus bought her and has been taking very good care of her so i hear. She's not the GT model. I got the 3.0R-B model, so non-turbo, 6cyl 3L, 6sp manual
  5. Vish! What's happening with the next meet??? When, where, who, what??? The new 73ENA is itching to come out for a meet... She can't come out on the SCC cos she's not a skyline and not even a nissan
  6. Spotted JEZ42 at the Oxley roundabout today about 40mins ago. You were next to me going on to the roundabout. Unless you know my plates you wouldn't have seen me as i don't drive a skyline or a nissan for that fact anymore...
  7. Spewing i don't have my 34 still Might have to hitch a ride with my brother in his 31 coupe i think... Or maybe he'll let me take it... lol. Makes for a great day out and is for a worthy cause. Dave (rhinorebel) and Lisa - Hope to see my old girl out on the cruise! She's been on the past 2...
  8. My R34 was originally registered as a 4 cyl too. When i got the renewal and noticed it i rang them up. i had to actually go down there and get it inspected to prove that it was a 6 cyl. I only had it changed as i have a mate said that if i were to have an accident CTP may be void if the car is not registered correctly. Best to be safe then sorry...
  9. Hey mate, i have one and am also on the Gold Coast... Make me an offer...
  10. Was great to see you guys again! Been a while. Next time i'll be bringing my wagon for sure! lol
  11. Sounds good Sus-Vish! Shall see you's then... I'll just park my bogandore away from all the skylines.. I miss my 34!!! I got in touch with Irish and he can't make it. Soft...
  12. What time are we meeting up Sus-Vish?
  13. Would be great to catch up with everyone! It's been a very long time! Count me in for a hot chocolate, as long as you don't mind a bogandore tagging along, seeing as my 34 is goooooone...
  14. Spotted 250OGT riding my ass down beaudesert rd this morning. I was driving the maroon vt wagon... Seeing as i have now sold my 34
  15. Spotted Mikey MRR34 on the m1 friday arvo... Was the only day that week that i actually took my 34 to work Looking good Mikey...
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