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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. is it a 'ticking' noise, or more of a creaking noise? look at the slide pins on the brake calipers/pads - put a bit of grease/lube on them and see if the problem is still there.
  2. if he thinks that his SS is tailhappy in the wet, then he'd put a skyline into a pole or something :|
  3. fark... i should go to bed... gotta get up at 4am
  4. hi miss pie! long time no see!
  5. sup knee-grows
  6. also, try www.autoshop.com.au - they have Bee*R Pineapples for $99 and are in Brisbane...
  7. well the way it was described to me/i understand it is that the rack end screws into the hicas bar, the tie rod then screws into that... the actual end of the tie rod that pivots and connects to the steering(lower control) arm is what they were referring to when they said "rack end" if it only takes 15 minutes, why is everyone having so much trouble with it?
  8. hrm..... odd... i had a look at them (on a subframe that was out of a car) and i can see what they're saying... the tie rod ends (ball joints) are pressed into the steering arm which is part of the hub... from what i could see, you would have to at least remove the rear hub and use a hydraulic press to push the old ball joints out and the new ones in
  9. AzzurrA

    Price Rise

  10. well, i may be there after all... seems my date is going to pike....
  11. if i was coming i'd give you and ur missus a lift cy, but alas, i'm quite possibly pre-booked
  12. negative, ghostrider.... i didn't have an RX7 to dorift round and round their '33 GTR........ Tokyo Drift Stylez!
  13. lmao at this thread... i'm going on my lunch break at work... i hope nobody misses me! kbai!
  14. You need to re-read the story then Dave!
  15. What a weekend! This story starts on Wednesday last week, when i put my R32 in for a wheel alignment. for a few weeks the car had felt very 'loose' and almost like it was bump-steering a lot more than normal. I told the workshop to check everything over and make sure something wasn't loose. I went to the movies while they did that and saw Casino Royale (Good movie BTW ) When i came back to the car 2 1/2 hours later, they told me that they haven't done a wheel alignment - there is no point - the rear rack ends and rear tie rod end balljoints are absolutely shagged - they are very busy and aren't able to source the parts for me, but if i can source the parts, then they can probably squeeze the car in to fit them for me. So the hunt began! I spent Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning exhausting many different avenues in an attempt to find these parts... finally found what i was after through Glenn @ Jap Only Auto Parts (shameless plug follows) Jap Only Auto Parts 41 Kenway Drive, Underwood, QLD, 4119 (07) 3386 0226 Glenn had the parts delivered to him, and i picked them up first thing on Friday morning.... i then delivered the car and the parts to the workshop - they told me they should have the car finished by approx. 3pm that afternoon. I got a call at 3pm when i was on my way to work saying they've been looking at the car for the last 2 hours, and they've found that they're not able to replace the tie rod end bushes without pulling the whole rear end out of the car - it is going to take them until early next week to do this.... This posed a problem for me as i was supposed to be driving to Hervey Bay on Saturday for a family xmas dinner on Saturday night.... and then driving back to Brisbane first thing on Sunday morning... Being my Birthday on Friday, my father offered me his VT SS to drive up and back (never been allowed to drive the car before ). After picking the VT up at lunchtime on Saturday, i headed up towards Hervey Bay... the drive was pretty un-eventful except for the 2 fine young ladies who liked the VT's exhaust note and tried to flirt with me while stopped at a set of lights.... The weather was a bit on the bleak side, with rain all the way north from about Beerburrum. The only other distraction was seeing a silver Stagea parked in a rest area on the far side of Gympie. I got to the outskirts of Tiaro (a little town about 20 minutes outside Maryborough on the Brisbane side) when i noticed there were a fair few branches laying on the side of the road, and leaves all over the place that looked like they'd been through a shredder.... I got to the main street of town itself, and there were more branches, and piles & piles of shredded leaves on the roadside.... I stopped outside Tiaro Meats (awesome butcher in town... another shameless plug) to get myself a nice steak, when i noticed that the footpath was covered in hail the size of golfballs. I left there and got another 500 metres up the road when i had to stop for about 20 minutes, as there were trees and branches all over the road... we had to wait for the police/tractors to clear them off - i drove through after the road was cleared, and counted probably 10 - 15 trees knocked/blown down. I continued my journey through to Maryborough, where the streets were extremely wet.... I was warned by my dad when picking the car up that it gets fairly tail-happy on wet roads - i have no idea what he was talking about though, as it took a fair amount of provoking to get the rear to step out at all, and even then, it was very progressive and controlled. The rest of the journey to Hervey Bay was uneventful. Had my dinner and went to bed... Left Hervey Bay at 5:30am this morning - drive was uneventful again, literally no traffic at all until i got back to around Maroochydore at 7am this morning... Saw a red stagea in Gympie again... probably within around 1km of where i saw the other one.... they seem popular up there! Got back to Brisbane at 8am, then got ready for work and headed in... am now sitting here at work...
  16. it's already in a workshop half pulled apart, but thanks for that anyway
  17. major setback after picking the parts up yesterday morning and dropping the car off at the workshop around 10am, i was told that it should be ready by around 3pm yesterday afternoon.... i get a call at 3pm saying that they've spent the last 2 hours looking at the car, and they can't figure out how to change the tie rod end balljoints without pulling the whole rear end apart as the old ones have to be pressed out and new ones pressed in.... they're estimating it will be ready by early next week now
  18. cheers guys... at least some people remembered.... had a pretty lousy day after a crappy week.... but meh...
  19. try and get an agreed value policy... you can insure it for however much you want (within reason) but you pay for it with your yearly premiums...
  20. ooo, bryn's bringing a date!
  21. Bumpity Bump... original post updated
  22. Tie Rod Ends/Balljoints FOUND! WOOHOO! *dances* Many thanks to Glenn @ Jap Only Auto Parts, Underwood, for all his help!
  23. That's them! Thanks for that, and yes, Danny is a champ... he put up with my constant questions and checking up on how things were going
  24. i'm out i'm sorry... have something on that night already...
  25. ok, i've managed to get a set of rack ends ordered... should be here this afternoon, but still unable to find tie rod ends (the actual balljoint/bearing between the tie rod and the steering arm)
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