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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. have tried fulcrum... twice... the first place advised that they have the rack ends in stock - apparently they're "The same as a pulsar" (WTF?) but the tie rod ends would only be available genuine Nissan, and Nissan had NFI what they were talking about as they couldn't understand the diagram on their system. Then tried Fulcrum Moorooka who told me they had no idea what i was talking about.
  2. might have a hit at importbitz at virginia... they have 2 hicas racks sitting there apparently, with the tie rod ends and rack ends still on them.... am going down there in the morning to have a look to see if a) they are from a '32 (as they're different to 33 and 34 i'm led to believe) and b) that they're in use-able condition (i soooo hope they are, or i'll cry)
  3. they = useless "errr.... um.... no, we wouldn't have anything like that, and i don't know where you would find any, bye"
  4. Hi All, I'm supposed to be driving to Hervey Bay this Saturday, so i just put my car in for a wheel alignment, only to find out that the rear rack ends and rear tie rod ends are farked. any idea where i can source some of these from, urgently? Jason
  5. *grumbles at being stuck at work for another 36 minutes*
  6. you are covered if participating in approved driver training, doubt that means trackdays tho
  7. keen for in the cooler months of the year
  8. as above, where are you located?
  9. That reflective vest is a little redundant, Col
  10. there is a place opposite "Gun Performance" at stafford that i had repair my car when it was rear-ended as well as weld up the holes in my boot from the spoiler/respray the bootlid.... they did a rather good job, and for a decent price too... they only charged me $220 inc. GST to weld up the bootlid and respray it.... i always see them with imports etc in there getting work done. i can't for the life of me remember their name though....
  11. i had my car repaired through these guys under insurance.... i won't say anything bad about them, but i'm not 100% happy with their repair work... i mean, for your average, every day pleb car, it would probably be 'fine' but i'm a fussy bastard.... paint wasn't matched properly (though it's very hard to tell), there are fisheyes through it, plus a couple of other things... i can't have been TOO pissed off at them though, as i took another front bar to them to get sprayed
  12. awwww, damn, looks like i missed out on boobs! oh, wait.... no i didn't nah, seriously though, looks like a good night was had, bit annoyed i couldn't make it, but i'll try and make the next one... i need to put my semi's on and give them a bit of a drive so they don't just sit around and go hard.
  13. hey mate, no thanks, not really interested in a bike. any takers?
  14. i didn't make it out unfortunately.... hope everyone had a good time! Adam, what's done to the S15? a 58 is nothing to sneeze at!
  15. Moaning all... stupid work *grumbles* my workmate owes me bigtime! He's moving house today, so i agreed a couple of weeks ago that i'd swap today's shift with him (originally had it off). A couple of days ago my brother invites me to his g/f's Xmas party at her house, which was last night.... He invited me 'coz he's trying to set me up with his g/f's best friend.... of course i had to a) not drink and b) leave early, so i didn't really have a good night, and now i'm at work and farken tired and my car needs a wheel alignment....
  16. depending how i'm feeling, i may come out for a look-see
  17. have a good time tonight guys, and be careful... don't forget it's been drizzly/overcast for the last few days so it may be a bit slippery up there. wish i could come, but i've got a work Xmas party to go to!
  18. i'm awake biatch, just trying to get everything organised for work xmas party tonight
  19. i'm back, and with BROADBAND!!!! muwahahahah
  20. who told you!? i can neither confirm nor deny these reports
  21. depends how intoxicated you are i guess.... beauty is in the eye of the beerholder....
  22. hrm... what can i do... i finish work in 15 mins.... then i have to hang around for 1 1/4 hours because i'm supposed to be having dinner at some chick's (who i don't even like, but apparently likes me ) house in Toowong at 6:30 and my modem finally arrived today, so now i'm itching to get home and install it and start d/l'ing "stuff!"
  23. it wasn't that they overcharged, that was their price (apparently)! anyway, the purpose of whinging now is just that, having a whinge Don't take things so seriously guys don't get me wrong, it's great food (hell, i wouldn't have come to the nando's at newmarket with you guys all those times if it wasn't!), and i'll be coming along if i'm available
  24. i don't have them on my '32 and yes, they squeal like a bitch
  25. probably a bit more... there was one donation of $1000 alone last year....
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