how's this for shit customer service...
signed up on the 9th November. Their website states 7 - 10 days delivery and setup time....
i waited 2 weeks before i called them, incase they were running a bit behind, because i hadn't heard squat from them...
call them up and they're like "um, oh yeah, there's no spots available at your exchange, you'll just have to wait... sorry about that" and they said it may be 3 or 4 weeks before a spot free'd up. I asked why they hadn't sent the modem/hardware out yet then, and they said "oh, we won't send that until the port is activated"? Yet another way to f**king piss customers off.
waited another week and called them again to see if there was any progress - they go "oh, nah, no progress, except it could be up to 6 months before we get around to looking at yours"
a couple of days later we get an SMS saying the account has been activated, and is ready to go....
it is now a week later, and still no modem, so i call them up and am like "WTF is going on?"
and their response? "Oh, yeah, we're busy.... we ordered your modem yesterday, could be about a week away"
have now waited nearly a month for this, when they claim 7 - 10 days delivery/setup time... i feel ive been very f**king patient, but if something else goes wrong in the slightest, i will be speaking with their manager and taking things much, much further!