sort of going off on a tangent just a little bit, but what are the benefits of remapping the factory ECU over an interceptor like an SAFC?
I Realise SAFC's can't control timing, but other than that, is there anything?
ah, work is farken shite tonight.
customers going off their brains about stuff, airconditioning not working, customers whinging, am here by myself, customers being pains in the arse, flat out.....
did i mention i'm sick of the customers tonight?
go back to boostlosing and have a cry there... we don't tolerate wankers like yourself here
if you'd even bothered reading ANYTHING, you would see that since the car was tuned by 101, it has been rebuilt bigger and better in every way, as well as being retuned by someone else.
bwahahhaha, hardly doing well for myself mate.... it's been a long time between drinks, so to speak.... i'd even beat big Dave's record...
i will try and hook something up with the chick from work, but i honestly don't think it's going to end up going anywhere, which is a pity, as she's exactly what i'm looking for!