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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. chick at work: she actually took me shopping yesterday and seemed to enjoy herself chick that likes me: yeah... good idea third chick: she's a weird one, might just put her in the 'friends' basket too blind date: am trying to get something organised
  2. yeah, not too bad... just woke up... i have to start work at 9:30... finish at 7am tomorrow morning... fun fun! Stupid me for opening my mouth to fill in for someone who is sick. And i am having girl dramas too.... it goes from one extreme (having no-one interested) to the other.... have a chick at work who i really like, but i don't think she likes me there's another chick that likes me, but i don't really like her there's ANOTHER chick that i don't know if she likes me or not, and i don't know if i like her or not (leaning towards a not on this one ) and now my brother and his g/f are trying to set me up with one of their friends, (who i haven't seen yet) but she seems nice etc.... gah!
  3. *stretch* *yawn* afternoon little whores!
  4. ok... my stance on locking ECU's... it's okay to lock the ECU IF the owner of the ECU agrees to it. I.e. when they book the car in for a tune, you say to them "You do realise that we will lock the tune on this car" and if they say "okay" then i have no problem with that. What i have a problem with is workshops who do it underhandedly and don't tell their customers that they lock the ECU, and then the customer wants to get the car retuned somewhere else for whatever reason, and find that they can't get it retuned, and will be hit with a $1000 'unlocking' fee I'm sorry, but the workshop/tuner DOES NOT 'Own' the tune, or the ECU. They have been paid to provide a service/product (in this case the tune) and what they are effectively doing by locking the ECU is not providing the product (access to the maps that the customer paid for). Not sure on the legalities of this, but sooner or later, someone is going to wisen up and take a workshop to court over something like this. If the workshop is wanting to lock the tune to provide a warranty on the tune/engine, then go for it, but if the customer wants to get the car retuned somewhere else, just tell them that as soon as they provide them with the 'unlock' code, their warranty is null and void, don't charge them $1000 for a pin code.. that's just insanity. Varun - you are going on about not disclosing tuning ability... if you were a good tuner, wouldn't you WANT people to know how good you are? Apart from warranty issues, the only reason i can think of for a tuner to lock an ECU would be to hide how crap his tune is from other people. It's not like you can just use a tune from another car on a car with similar mods... sure, it will run, but it will still need tuning to get it to suit that particular car, so its pretty much pointless to 'steal' someone elses tune.
  5. pretty sure he's on doggett street as well
  6. well, when i asked him about them, he was saying sorta $30 or $40 a tyre.... you'd probably only get a trackday or 2 out of them though... i can't for the life of me remember the name of his shop though.... his name is John, and his shop is in the valley somewhere..... races a red VN in the saloon car series... they run 225/50/16 RE55s i SMS'd rhinorebel his details a while back.... he may still have them?
  7. i'm not actually running on the 28th.... just going out there to do photography, help out etc dunno about the tyres dude... purely 'coz there's not a GREAT deal of tread left on them... what compensation would you be proposing? i can put you in touch with someone who might have some 2nd hand ones for cheap if you'd like?
  8. true! oh, i'm so confused!
  9. oh, i agree with you.... the point i'm trying to make, and that people here seem to be missing... is that the media aren't labelling the DRIVER as a murderer, they're labelling ALL car enthusiasts/hoons as MURDERERS
  10. dammit, now i'm gonna have to get a slide turbo... i/c... injectors.... and a ECU tune....
  11. yes, RB20... still probably beat you around QR
  12. someone buy mine!
  13. i don't mind toymotors.... i had an AE86 before the skyline mmmmmm!
  14. hrm.... what do you guys think of toyota aristos? i sat in one the other day, and must admit, i was very impressed with the build quality, extras, options etc. I haven't actually driven one yet, and i realise that they're no skyline in terms of handling etc, but my focus is sort of shifting these days... i don't necessarily want to go as fast/as fast around corners any more... i want a more 'comfy' ride, but still have a bit of power (the 2JZ-GTE would deliver that) and they're a lot of car for the money they're commanding!
  15. Hrm, i don't know what i want to do any more.... whether i want to keep my car and keep it as is whether i want to sell my car and buy something more 'cruisey' whether i want to keep my car and mod it even more the first 2 options make the most sense, i just don't know any more...
  16. nah, not that much of an interesting read really... just someone who thinks they are all-important and know better than everyone else having a little tantrum when people start questioning him....
  17. morning whores and whorelings
  18. congrats on another successful event! i may look at entering one in 2007
  19. where abouts in mooloolaba daveo? i was up there yesterday as well
  20. evening all... where did the calendar thread go? did someone have a little teary?
  21. yes... was up at mooloolaba yesterday for a swim, and there were about 5 or 10 cars 'lapping' with "RIP Jack Daniels" or something* written on them. *i didn't see the words myself, a friend told me about it, but i saw the cars lapping all day
  22. Sitting here listening to the radio, and they just had a report about the tripple fatality from the sunshine coast last week or over the weekend or something (they didn't go into much detail about it) but now they're whinging that there's people doing "burnouts" and "spinning their wheels" nearby, and they are now labelling 'hoons' as 'murderers' (in their own words) What The F*#$?
  23. i'm off to the sunshine coast/beach... see all you guys tonight!
  24. hrm.... i've always wondered about this toolies thing.... what 'defines' a toolie? is it anyone over the age of 17 on the goldcoast during these 2 weeks? my schoolies was 5 or 6 years ago... yet i have been down there during schoolies probably 2 or 3 times since.... but to go clubbing etc, not to try and get into some 16-18 y/o chicks apartment... though i wouldn't be complaining if that did happen )
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