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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. god help him
  2. Hey guys, if member on here called 'Jaek' ever tries to buy stuff from you or sell you stuff... run... run as far and as fast as you can as he's a shifty f**k and will dick you around something fierce
  3. View the ad here
  4. I take it this is in an R33 GTST? do you have a boost gauge fitted? what boost is it now hitting with the free-er flowing exhaust and the intake mods? maybe you're hitting the boost cut on the factory ECU (though unlikely if its not losing power)
  5. its gone already bryn
  6. yeah, well, it was just too much effort to get it anywhere to go bush-bashing... it wasn't worth the cost of hiring a trailer/tow truck
  7. gone to the wreckers
  8. no, it doesn't, but as i said, they can still fine you, not necessarily for the same fine as if you were doing it on the road, but they still can, using other fines (pollution, noise polluction, etc etc)
  9. they can still do you for some driving offenses on your own property... i.e. if you're doing big burnouts etc, or you're driving it around with no exhaust etc.
  10. um, no, they're not public roads, but they are classified as one and the same. a public road is classified as anywhere that is easily accessible by a car (i.e. you can drive straight off the street into the carpark, its a sealed road, blah blah blah) and no, i think you'll find that if you teach a kid (without a license/learners) in a shopping centre carpark, you'll get reamed just as hard as if driving unlicensed on the street and yes, police DO have jurisdiction over everything, and everywhere.. hell, they can fine you for doing stuff in your own backyard!
  11. PRICE DROP!!!!!!! $30 with the dead battery, or $100 with the brand new battery (which cost me $100) I need it gone by 5pm this afternoon!!!!!! if its not gone, its getting collected by a wrecker!!!! call on 0402 202 978
  12. AzzurrA


    yeah, Dan may be able to help, but i know he's been VERY busy lately
  13. is it bad that i laughed at a video of people dying? i'm so going to hell, lol
  14. following on from the thread yesterday, we have been informed we are not allowed to provide you with any information other than.. "DO A SEARCH!"
  15. nah, didn't give me a specific price, sorry
  16. From my understanding, John, the club does not currently have any sponsors that specialise in Suspension work (feel free to correct me if i am wrong), so i am hardly 'stealing' business away from them. if you want to have another dig at me, go right ahead mate, as you obviously still have something you want to get off your chest from the other night?
  17. i'll put some photos up first thing in the morning when there's some light outside.
  18. ok... i have a question... what are we actually allowed to post then? i think you will find that basically the QLD section is going to become redundant as nobody will be allowed to post anything, so will stop coming here
  19. come on guys... needs to go either today or tomorrow! $150? make an offer!
  20. possible causes from that picture: you forgot to add dechlorinater to your tapwater before you added it to your tank or, you added too many chemicals (overmedicated) the tank or, you don't have sufficient filtration/aeration of your water
  21. its dead
  22. check this site out: http://www.qldcichlid.com/ and http://qldcichlid.com/forum/index.php?action=forum pretty good, covers a lot of different species, from natives, to tankbusters, to cichlids etc. i had a 4 foot tank with a barramundi for a bit over a year... i bought him as a fingerling (about 2 to 3cm) and when he passed away he was about 40+cm.... in fact, i've got to get around to setting the tank up again... i might go with some silver perch or maybe a mangrove jack this time...
  23. and on the flipside, they flat out refused to fix damage to my vehicle caused by a pothole, citing legal precedents that they don't have to pay etc
  24. dude, the car is $200 (or make a reasonable offer) you can't go wrong
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